1. Let’s start off this week’s randomness with some random facts, shall we?
Funny how you may not even realize that you’re suffering from something until they slap a name on it. Textaphrenia – yet another ridiculous ailment of the 21st century. Still, I’ll take my chances and keep on texting. Those days of being able to talk on the phone for hours? Long gone. And while eating a diet of nothing but water, potatoes, and butter would make me die a little inside, at least it would save you the hassle of having to meal plan and spend a lot of time in the grocery store…
2. That reminds me of something I did when I was little, though… Back in the day, the only way I’d eat “pasta” was as plain noodles with butter and a [hefty] sprinkle of parmesan cheese. I couldn’t stand anything tomato related, and wasn’t a big fan of meatballs either. The same was true of pizza – I’d order it with extra cheese and scrape off as much of the pizza sauce as I could, until I was basically eating nothing but dough and cheese.
3. I’ve gotten pretty bad at sorting through my spam comments lately, but I did come across this gem the other day and thought I’d share the giggle…
Love spells that work… as opposed to love spells that don’t; and from Summon Genie, no less! Hit me up if you’re in need of one and I’ll be sure to point you in the right direction.
4. Speaking of love… I had a little rendezvous with one of mine the other day…
Essie’s In the Cab-ana and Over the Top // Revlon’s Lash Potion mascara, Colorburst in Peony, and ColorStay liquid liner // Maybelline’s SuperStay 24hr concealer.
I needed to buy some more liquid eyeliner since I was almost out, and, in true Amanda fashion, ended up walking out with a little more than liquid eyeliner. BUT! In my defence, they were having a pretty good in-store promotion that I couldn’t pass up, and I’ve been wanting to try a few of these things anyways. I was especially happy about the nail polish, since I’ve been looking for that particular shade forever. I think this makes up for last week when I walked out of Sephora empty handed.
5. On the beauty front, I’ve got a quick tip for you guys (well, girls mostly). Did you know… you can use hair conditioner that you don’t like in place of shaving cream to shave your legs? True story. If you’re anything like me and like to try out different products, then you probably end up with the occasional dud that you feel bad for throwing away, but don’t actually want to use up because it wreaks havoc on your hair. Solution? Use the duddy conditioner in place of shaving cream. I can vouch that it works, so don’t knock it ’till ya try it!
6. Does anyone else cringe when they hear the sound of screeching tires? Like you’re holding your breath and dreading the sound of metal crunching against metal that may or may not follow? Not something I like to hear.
7. This, on the other hand, makes my ears very happy…
8. You know how I’ve been trying to limit my caffeine intake in hopes that it’ll help me sleep better? Well, it’s not making a lick of difference if the last three days are any indication, any I’m seriously missing my afternoon cappuccinos. Plus, I think I’ve made my Starbucks baristas kind of nervous… They always used to ring me up and start making my drink as soon as I walked through the door, but now? They look at me with uncertainty like they don’t know who I am anymore…
9. And, of course, Happy 4th to all my American friends, and happy Thursday to everyone else!
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If you had to survive off 3 foods, what would they be? Greek yogurt, bananas, and almond butter.
Did you have any strange foodie habits as a kid? Or do your kids have any?
Hi Amanda,
I hope everything is okay and that you are just taking a break to enjoy life, but you are missed!!
Tank you, Jen <3 Everything is well and I'll be back soon explaining everything 🙂
agreed! i hope all is well & you are just so busy with wonderful summer adventures that we shouldn’t worry (i felt like a creeper checking your blog & worrying but i see we are all in the same boat!)
Awwwr I’m sorry, Morgan! Everything is going well, and I’ll explain everything next week! Thanks so much for your sweet comment <3
I too, hope everything is OK with you! I love your blog and the fact that you’re local! Hope to see that you’re well and posting again soon.
Thanks so much, Dione <3 All is well and I'll explain everything when I come back to posting next week 🙂
I hope all is well!!! You have not posted in a few weeks. I hope you are okay.
With Thoughts…
Thank you, Karen 🙂 All is well and I’ll explain everything when I come back early next week.
Ima new (ish) reader and missing your posts!! Hope all is well!!!!!
Hi Heather! Thanks so much 🙂 All is well and I’ll be back early next week.
Oh goodness, I think subsisting off a diet comprised of nothing but butter, potatoes, and water would take much of the joy de vivre out of life! However, as a huge fan of mashed potatoes, I guess it wouldn’t be *too* bad. 😉
It’s funny, I used to get frustrated when friends would respond to my call via text instead of answering their phones, but now I find that I’m guilty of doing just that. I’m a self-admitted multi-tasker (often to a fault), and sometimes it’s just easier to let the phone ring, and then “talk” through typing. It makes me sad, though, because I know it’s this type of communication that’s leading to a serious disconnect in relationships amongst our generation! At the same time, though, I think I communicate more consistently with long-distance friends now, merely because texting makes it easier; I’ll often shoot a friend a text just to say hello, to tell them about something funny that happened, or to wish them a good day. I wouldn’t necessarily pick up my phone to do that.
My three survival foods would be: chocolate, peanut butter, and eggs. 🙂 Sending bg hugs your way, Amanda! <3
Do you prefer texting to talking on the phone? Texting. I hate talking on the phone now!
If you had to survive off 3 foods, what would they be? Greek yogurt, bananas, and almond butter. SAME!
Did you have any strange foodie habits as a kid? Or do your kids have any? My daughter will only eat spaghetti or any other type of pasta plain with butter and parm cheese. I used to love spaghetti sauce on anything and everything until horrid morning sickness with my oldest and now I can only have a small amount.
Glad to know my 3 diet staples are enough to keep me alive 🙂
I love that nail polish color, such a pretty shade of blue!!
I read in one of Dr. John McDougall’s books that humans can survive for a long time on just potatoes because of their nutritional content.
My almost two-year old is made of 75% cheese crackers. I swear that’s all he wants to eat most of the time! 🙂
I used to be the same way with my pasta when I was little. Always plain with butter and Parmesan cheese. No sauce. No meatballs. I’ve definitely grown out of that. And I also shave my legs with conditioner. I haven’t shaved my legs with shaving cream in a couple of years actually. It does work!
I have opposite issue. I go to bed REALLY late (probably cause I’m eating chocolate plus everything else like 10 cups of grapes, no joke!!! at 10:30 pm, sigh) …anyway , then am massively awake, and next morning can barely lift my body out of the bed…I have a body that feels hit by truck every morning (adrenal fatigue + hormone issues I suspect…hormones a mess 🙁 ).
Anyway….I can’t find that dry brush you recommended…looked in walmart and saw nothing and that’s the only place closest to me that would possibly have such a thing…oh my .
Buttered noodles was one of my favorites growing up. Confession: I eat them that way on occasion today. Guess I better stock up on potatoes and butter just in case. 😉
wowww epiphany moment going on here right now…haha!!! You’re a genius Amanda! I have a bottle of Renpure conditioner and shampoo that I bought several months ago and was convinced that it was going to be an amazing hair product. Well, it wasn’t right for my hair (and I’m not picky) and made it extremely dry, and have been struggling with getting rid of it because I don’t want to waste it. 😛 Thanks for the shaving tip. And Argentineans eat pasta like that–there’s a dish that’s really simple but good, and it mostly consists of butter, herbs, salt. 😀
Depends on the situation – I love texting for quick interactions but I hate having long drawn out conversations via text if I can help it. Tough call . . . I would have to say sushi, eggs and nut butter.
As a kid I had a very particular way of eating my pumpkin pie – what am I saying I still do. 🙂
Useless fact – a narwhal’s tusk is actually it’s left front tooth.
just wanted to check in on you. Email me if you need anything.
Awwr thanks, girl <3 Everything is actually going really well... blogging just got put on the back burner for a few... But I should be back next week!
When I was little I would only eat plain buttered noodles too! I actually still really like them but lean now that homemade tomato sauce is okay.
I was the same way about pasta as a kid. I hated sauce and only liked cheese. So strange how our taste buds change. That’s weird that butter is included in the 3 things we need to survive. Hm whaever goes I guess!
I hate tomato sauce too. But living in NYC, i learned there is something called “White Pizza” that has nothing but mozzeralla, fresh basil, and olive oil. Try it.
One of my favourite pizzas actually has some kind of white sauce that reminds me of Alfredo… I can imagine the pizza must taste amazing in NYC though…
I hate to admit I am so guilty of that text shit..especially when I have a guy in my life and I have to admit since my recent relationship changes it has been SO freeing NOT being on my phone all the time!! OH my gosh like night and day. I sometimes get worried if I send a potentially controversial text to a friend too, so I try to keep important topics for in person or on the phone! HA!
I USED TO eat my pasta the same way!! In fact I ate it like that right up until I went vegan, and then Parmesan wasn’t an option anymore (though I did find a pretty good vegan parm) so now I used tomato sauce or a nut creme sauce with my pasta!
Peanut butter, apples, cupcakes (that counts as one, not counting all the ingredients hahah)
If you like this song I am sure you would love One Republics song “Something I need.” I swoon for that song. It’s so good.
Is it bad that the first 3 foods that came to mind were potatoes, salami and cheese? I just really really love these 3.
My three survival foods: dark chocolate, peanut butter, gluten free bread
The pasta thing reminds so much of my little brother. For a year or so he would ONLY eat noodles and butter. For every meal. And he somehow managed to convince the waiter at every restaurant we ate at to make him some form of noodles and butter. Looking back, that was probably a much better diet than the crap he eats now haha….
I love all the Essie polishes (and especially their names!) but I have yet to purchase a bottle because I’m cheap when it comes to nail polish. I used to buy the supposedly good OPI stuff but it always chipped right away. Now I go for the $3 Sally Hansen Xtreme Hardness polish and it lasts a lot longer. But I’ve heard that Essie is one of the best, so mayyyyybe I’ll splurge on some soon!
I used to use shaving cream when I first started shaving because I was a baby about razors, but now I usually just lather up with some body wash and I’m good to go. Though I like the tip about using conditioner–I’ll be trying that out when I run out of shampoo, because I always run out of shampoo before conditioner and then I just have an awkward amount of conditioner left!
I used to have a problem with some of my older Essie polishes chipping like crazy, but I think they’ve improved their formulas because the new ones last a lot longer. And the imbalance of shampoo/conditioner was always something that bothered me as well… They need to just start making conditioner bottles smaller.
I’m so old school… I MUCH prefer to call over text! I used to only eat my pasta plain. With literally nothing on it b/c I hated red sauces. Now, I’m a saucy girl. 😉
It is SO funny how you mention those kid habits because I did the SAME exact thing! I would ALWAYS get just plain cheese pizza and then would attempt to scrape off as much of the tomato sauce as I could without damaging the poor pie. Then I found these things that were basically just cheese and dough (“ranch sticks” were what they were called at a local pizzeria) and I was totally satisfied. And I did the same thing with noodles, too! Tomatoes? No way, not eating. I was such a plain jane back then… it’s funny how tastes change :).
That is the only way my sisters and I would eat pizza and pastafor years too! Mom used to make us white pizzas and serve it with apple slices. To this day I think apples are a totally natural side for pizza night. 🙂
Texting, fo sho – I hate talking on the phone! I also used to only put butter and parmesan cheese on my pasta! I think tomato must taste bad to kids 😉 My 3 foods would be bananas, watermelon and bread. Can’t live without those 3!
top 3 foods: sweet potatos, greek yogurt & kabocha squash- don’t know how I ever lived without them! when I was a kid, I went through a phase where I would only eat plain rice cakes with a slice of melted cheddar cheese & a small smear of katsup on them…for every meal! my mom said she just went with it & now I can’t stand any of those three things 😛 I know texting has its place, & I use it a lot during the work week but I have a family of older folks & we talk for hours! plus they live all over the country so on the weekends I seriously utilize the mobile to mobile with ATT. although I think I am secretly 30 going on 70 because I send out cards for all the holidays & even write letters to my Grams… almost every week!
I send out cards for holidays and birthdays too… there’s just something more special about receiving a letter/card by snail mail.
mmmm One republic. Yep, Im a fan 🙂
Funny story, little sissy totally eats her pasta plain like you did! She’s not a sauce fan yet!
And that blue Essie polish is amazing! Im always tinkering with the idea of sending you some new polish, but Im almost certain you have every Essie color there is lol
Awwr but that’s still the sweetest thing ever <3 <3
I always shave with conditioner! Best tip I’ve ever made use of. I actually used regular soap the last 2 times and I felt a difference….not a good one =) I used to eat pasta the same way – and I hated tomatoes. Now, they’re one of my favorites.
That’s really funny because when I was a kid, the ONLY way I would eat or liked pasta was plain with butter, nothing else on it. The only other thing I liked was the ‘Mr.Noodles’ noodles, without the broth, with cheddar cheese melted in! Haha, sounds gross I’m sure.. I’ve never really loved pasta, even now! This was all pre dairy allergy too. Oh, and I also used to peel the topping and Cheese off all pizza, and I just liked the dough and sauce.. Which works out well, since that’s how I can eat pizza these days 🙂
And, I still kinda hate texting.. I’ve gotten on board the past few years, but I still get frustrated with text ‘conversations’ or like making plans and I just call the person cuz it seems so much easier. I way prefer the phone! It takes me longer to return texts than phone calls. I was born at the wrong time 😉
I looove that OneRepublic song. It’s pretty much on repeat over here. And number 2… I still like to eat my pasta like that sometimes? Is that wrong? It’s so yum that way! In fact… now I want some!
I totally prefer to text rather than talk, although, sometimes it can get me into trouble. Tone of voice doesn’t always come through. 🙂 Hope your sleeping improves soon!
3 foods??? Oh gosh. Let’s see…Peanut Butter, Chocolate, and Honey Bunches of Oats (the one in the orange box!). If we were allowed four the next one would be Greek Yogurt. Just sayin’. =)
😆 I had a hard time leaving chocolate out of my list, but that would definitely be my fourth.
Ha, funny you shared that tip. I’ve used shampoo, conditioner, and you can even use some body lotions as a shaving cream. Pretty handy when you’re traveling and you forget! Awesome tip to share.
Side note: you call, I ignore it, you text, you’ll have a response within minutes. That’s sad, but that’s truth. 🙂
I definitely prefer texting as oppose to talking on the phone.. I am so awkward with phone conversations! I just never know what to say!
3 foods – greek yoghurt, oatmeal &..ooh the last one is hard..chocolate probably.
Love spells that work sounds absolutely hilarious, actually made me laugh out loud!
I have a random fact for you – “hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobi” is the fear of long words…how ironic is that! Haha!