1. I had a lot of fun with last week’s thinking out loud post so I decided it needs to be a more regular occurrence. I’ve also decided that more days need to start with a view like this…
2. Thank you to whoever prayed for my wallet last night. I actually managed to walk out of the mall without having done too much damage, but that’s mainly because I somehow found the will power to stay out of Lululemon… Please don’t ask me how because I have no idea. I’m sure my will will crumble soon.
Sephora – David’s Tea – Lush – Chatters
LaVanila Coconut Vanilla deodorant – Bobbi Brown concealer – LUSH Honey Trap lip balm – LUSH Godiva solid shampoo – Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Touchable hairspray – Moroccan Oil light treatment oil
David’s Tea Cranberry Pear and Pumpkin Chai
3. And while we’re on the topic of shopping, why do I have to visit like 4 different stores to get all of the things I need? Did they all come together one day and decide to make our lives more complicated? I can understand that one store can’t have it all, but when I have visit extra stores because they have one thing I need? Ridiculous.

4. Ever since having my mom’s apple cake on Sunday, I’ve been craving apples like crazy. I’ve always loved apples, but I think I overdosed on them a while back because I went through a few months where I was barely eating any at all. Now though? I can’t seem to get enough. I’m thinking that whatever I bake next has to be some sort of apple dessert. Anyone have any recipe recommendations?
5. Speaking of baking, I tried to bake some fig and date bars the other day because they make such good portable snacks, but I only managed to make it about halfway through before I lost interest. This means I now have a big bowl of fig and date paste sitting in my fridge. Tastes amazing. Doesn’t travel too well though.
6. Sometimes I honestly worry about the health of my brain. Why? Because of how often I walk into a room and have no idea what I went in there for. Or because of how I constantly have to check my phone twice when I want to know what time it is because I totally wasn’t paying attention the first time I looked.
7. … but maybe it’s because whenever I look at my phone, I’m distracted by the huge cracks in it. I’m not even that bad with my phone, but all it takes is one small accident before it goes from pretty to ugly. Seriously though, I couldn’t believe it. I’ve dropped my phone on the treadmill before and had it fly into a wall without so much as a scratch… but dropping it from 1 foot off the ground and having it hit at a freak angle? Pft. Whatever. It has character…
8. I’ve been re-reading a lot of my old favorite books lately, and although I love them, I think it’s time for something new. Anyone have any good suggestions?
9. I came across a couple of random keys while I was tidying up the other day, and I have no idea where they go or what to do with them. Do I keep them and let them clutter up my drawers? Or do I throw them away and risk being locked out of somewhere important? Decisions, decisions.
10. I’ve come to the conclusion that the ladybugs in my city must have called a general assembly and decided that my home is a good place to go and die. I find one on the floor every few days or so, and I really wish they’d choose another place to spend their final moments because it makes me kind of sad…
11. And to end this completely random post on a completely random note, sometimes I get the most random cravings for plain toast. No butter. No cheese. No jam. Just plain old toasted bread. Don’t judge me.
12. Aaaaaaand, now it’s really time to go. I’m sitting in Bux yet again, and the guy sitting at the table next to me keeps glancing over trying to see what it is I’m up to. Hope you’re having a great Thursday! Byeeee!
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Share something random with me… or give me a book/apple recipe recommendation 😀
Just tell everyone that you’re rocking the new “spider web app” on your phone…I hear all the cool kids are doing it! 😉 I thought of you yesterday when I found whole milk Oikos at the store! I would have preferred the 2% but hey, beggars can’t be choosers, right? So I got a tub of the whole and a tub of the fat free and I plan on mixing them! #win 😉
There aren’t many apple desserts that I like…mainly because it’s really hard to get a good solid apple flavor, but maybe you could do some sort of apple tart? Mmm, that would be tasty! I’m STILL scoping out the stores waiting for the arrival of my favorite Honeycrisps!