Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Waiting… waiting… waiting… THERE IT IS! I swear… I’ve been sitting here for at least 20 minutes trying to get started on this post, and nothing. Nada. Zip. My brain felt like a dried up, crusty used Kleenex. And wow… yeah. Sorry for that mental image, but apparently that’s what comes out when I try to combat writer’s block by telling myself to just write… I blame it on having snot on the brain as a result of dealing with my allergies. Just being honest.
2. And while I’m at it, I should probably confess to this as well…
Don’t judge me. You do it too.
3. So besides “just writing,” another one of my favourite ways to deal with writer’s block is to go through the pictures on my phone and see if any of them spark a thought. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it just makes me realize that I really need to get better at turning off my camera before I put my phone down….
But what’s really impressive is that I somehow managed to take a panoramic shot of my leg and centre console without even trying. Skills. I gots them.
4. And then there’s gems like this, which I came across in my building gym…
Does anyone else find it ironic that: a) there’s a bottle of Coke in the gym (albeit diet), and b) that it’s sitting on top of a book titled Live Longer, Live Better? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that Coke and health don’t exactly go hand in hand.
5. Then again, I’m probably not one to talk since some of my “workouts” may or may not look like this…
6. And I may or may use the fact that I’m stuck in traffic as an excuse to get some sun…
7. Actually, can we talk about traffic for a second? Or just drivers in general? Because I don’t know how things are in your neck of the woods, but I swear that the drivers are getting worse in mine. At first I thought that people were driving slow because of the snow on the roads (which is fine), but we’ve had clear streets for months now, and, without fail, people are constantly driving 5-10 under the limit. And before you go thinking “oh yeah, need-for-speed junkie Amanda would say something like that,” I’ll have you know that I’m not the only one who’s noticed, thank.you.very.much. It’s becoming a problem!
8. And speaking of problems, I’ve found a way to deal with this one…
You know when you get to the end of an EOS lip balm and have to get rid of it because you can’t get it on your lips anymore without simultaneously smearing it on most of your lower face? Don’t throw it out! There’s still a tonne of product in there, and it’s really easy to get to. All you have to do is push down on the leftover balm until it all falls to the bottom of the tub and you can see this sort of plastic star over the top. Then, take a pair of nail clippers, clip each of the little spokes, and voila! More bang for your buck!
9. Tomorrow is National Donut Day!! Buuuuuut I made you muffins instead. I’m not sorry; and I have a feeling that you won’t hold it against me, because these.are.in.sane…
10. And that’s that! I’ll see you guys tomorrow with that recipe, and until then, have yourselves an awesome day! π

No questionsβ¦ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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Oh girl you crack me up. Tanning in the car. And why on Earth are you half naked? You and Meghan should be arrested π
And I totally go for muffins over donuts!
I can’t decide what I hate more, slow walkers or slow drivers. Kind of want to punch both.
And speaking of tanning, I’m currently rocking the sock tanlines. I guess that’s better than the flip-flop tan lines I normally end up with, but still….might have to spend some time in the backyard to try and correct that a little.
I feel like slow walkers are easier to get around without fear of being caught by the police π
I was just reminded of the memories from past Easters when we would bite the heads off of Peeps. Morbid children we were.
Yup I confess to eating the heads off the teddy grahams. It makes me eat them slower. π
Gah. I hate donuts. ALL HAIL MUFFINS!!!
OKay, glad I’m not the only one taking a ridiculous amount of pictures of nothing..
And in regards to people driving slow.. there’s a highway that runs across NJ and right near my house that I have to take to get everywhere. It’s mostly 1 lane with a good amount of lights (horrible) but occasionally 2 lanes. My husbands SERIOUSLY curses the ENTIRE time we’re on it every time, because people drive 5-15 miles under when it’s 1 lane and when it’s 2, they speed up and do 10-15 OVER so you can’t even PASS THEM. It’s the worst ever.
Oh- Those muffins! To die~ I am sosososo glad I am done with Whole 30 to try them!
Dry, crusty kleenex- such a lasting and slightly gross mental image, but also such an imaginative analogy. Props!
I cannot wait for those muffins!
You should try your hand at making some of your own Teddy Grahams! Iβd love to see the recipe for that one! Have a great rest of your day Amanda! π
That would be amazing, but I honestly don’t think I’d have the patience for it. I’ve seen some people make their own cereal before, and I’m just like… no.
Oh yeah, I totally bite the heads off of the little teddy bear crackers, too. Hilarious! YES on the drivers near me getting worse and worse. I think it’s a weather thing – the warmer the weather, the crazier people get. Maybe because they think they have been let loose in warm weather? Great idea on the phone pictures! I’ve never thought of doing that in the past but it sounds like it would create fantastic inspiration. And those muffins look AMAZING. Excuse me once again while I wipe the drool off of my computer keyboard. =D Happy Thursday!!!
haha, love that you take random pictures with your phone without even know it. And can I saw I love the red and black interior of your car? So cool! I was also thinking, she didn’t post the recipe I’m going to ask, then read the next sentence. Thank you!
I can so relate to #3, I use my photos as inspiration for posts and also laugh when I find those random photos that I accidentally took before my phone shut off! I can’t get on the EOS bandwagon for some reason, it didn’t do well for me π I love the egg shape though. Thanks for hosting! xoxo, ganeeban
Drivers are awful where I just moved. I actually have seen people come to a complete stop on a busy road to wave someone on to merge. Traffic is horrendous and it’s because people just aren’t thinking two steps ahead. I overall love the laid-back West Coast vibe, but not on the road. {end rant}
And those muffins. I’ve been itching to bake lately, so I just may need to make them once you post them. π
Ugh I can’t stand it when people stop to let others merge either. Like… okay, I get that you’re trying to be nice to that ONE person, but what about the TWENTY behind you that you’re holding up?!?
The Diet Coke pic is hilarious. It’s almost as funny as the soda industry’s new “Mixify” campaign. When ever should the words soda and part of a healthy lifestyle be uttered in the same sentence! Gotta love Big Business!
YES! Teddy Grahams are the best. Do you have Annie’s Bunny Grahams in Cananda? Their Snickerdoodle flavor is incredible π
We do! And omigosh those are crazy addictive as well. I actually had to stop buying them because I could literally go through a box in a day and a half. Oops.
See, I don’t have sympathy for the headless teddies, but there’s something about eating the head off a Lindt bunny that makes me feel like a serial killer. What is up with that!?
This is why I start from the feet/tail and work my way up π
I found a DIY Eos lipbalm youtube video that use left over chapstick and lipstick. It was fun!
Haha wait that game/workout is the coolest thing! I had no idea they made workout/game integrations. I’m so on that. Oh my gosh, I want to drink from a coke bottle! Last time I got to do that I was in Europe π
I love that you told me it’s national donut day because I was planning on getting donuts today anyways. That is now my reasoning.