Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Before we begin, let us observe a moment of silence for the latest of my nut butters to meet its doom…
You were too young, Wowbutter… far too young. But despite your short time in this world, you managed to make a huge difference to at least one girl, so your life was not in vain. ๐ And can we just talk about why they decided to make the colour of the jar the same colour as the nut butter itself? It gives me a false sense of security since it always looks full, even when there’s nothing but bottom dwellers left!
2. Let’s keep the food talk going with one of my current obsessions — smoothies. Am I the only one who judges a smoothie based on its ability to hold up a spoon? The thicker, the better! #TWSS
3. And while we’re talking about smoothies, someone please remind me to never buy frozen mixed berries again. I felt like I was doing nothing but spitting out seeds the entire time that I was trying to enjoy my drink.
4. Have you seen these?!
I refuse to believe that anything is better than a classic Rice Krispie Square, but I’m not one to talk badly about anything involving Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It was, and still is, one of my favourite cereals of all time. Also, I almost wrote ‘serials’… I wonder what Freud would say about that.
5. I got hit with the most random thought the other day… Does anyone remember pink erasers? The ones that did NOTHING but make a bigger mess of whatever it was you were trying to clean up in the first place? Do they still sell those?!? I remember using them in grade school, and yeah… the introduction of white erasers was a godsend. Also, award for most random thought goes to me.
6. Riddle me this. You guys know I’m back to working in Starbucks; you know I love my booth; and I know that it’s a highly desirable spot to sit… which is why I’ve started going in a little earlier than normal to make sure that I can secure my coveted spot. Well, lately I’ve been coming across random people who keep asking to sit with me. I thought it was an isolated incident the first time, but it’s happened a few times since ๐ฏ
What do you say to something like that?!? I mean, I don’t want to be a jerk and say no… especially since I don’t really care as long as they keep to themselves and don’t try to start up a conversation with me while I try to work. The one exception to that was the woman from the other day — she kept nudging my feet and picking her teeth with her finer. It was quite fascinating from a social psychology perspective.
7. While we’re on the topic of Starbucks… Oprah has arrived!
You can now buy an Oprah Chai Tea Latte from Bux, with some of the proceeds from each sale going towards the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Foundation. I haven’t tried one yet myself, but apparently it’s supposed to be a slightly spicier version of their chai tea latte. Also… I miss watching Oprah on TV. That used to be my after-school thing with Mom. Good times.
8. All this talk of Starbucks lately would make you think that my sort-of-newly-purchased Keurig was getting neglected. Not so. I’ve recently started using it in place of my electric water kettle to boil water for my tea, and it is perfection. I’ve figured out the perfect ratio to make the best tasting cups. I’ll hit it once with the second to largest size, and then again with the smallest size. So good… every.single.time.
9. I survived the dentist (obviously)! I have some pretty interesting things to tell you regarding what all went down, but that’ll have to wait until tomorrow since it has to do with oil pulling and I’m planning to do an entire post on that since so many of you requested one.
10. And on a final note… the universe is laughing at me. I bought a new word search book the other day, and this was the puzzle that I opened up on the morning of my dentist appointment…

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Donโt cease taking your prescription medicines to strive CBD, except you could have the go-forward out of your physician. They could possibly assist decide a CBD product, dosage, and schedule thatโs secure along with your medications. For some situations, your doctor might want to monitor blood plasma ranges of certain medications you are taking.
I’m with you on the creamy smoothie thing. The closer the consistency to ice cream the better! I always add heaps and heaps of frozen bananas and raspberries to achieve it ๐ Glad I’m not alone
And nut butters… they NEVER last long with me… *mourning all devoured nut butters quietly* They are just too amazing and loved greatly ๐
Alright now I really want to know about this oil pulling business. I’m intrigued.
I would not like sharing my table, even less so than with someone who had odd public habits, like picking their teeth. I do get your fascination with getting a good spot and working at Starbuck’s though. I spent hours one day working at the local coffee shop and I really enjoyed the experience. I wasn’t sure how I’d fare, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat. It’s good to mix up the environment from time to time.
I’ve never seen a book of just word searches. Jealous!! They are my favorite. ๐
Mine too! I found mine in the bookstore ๐
Oooh I still need to try oil pulling, but I keep forgetting to actually do it! Thanks for reminding me! Haha
Regarding #6, I find that because I’m short, people who sit across from me automatically think I need less leg room and always end up nudging or kicking me accidentally! My legs need just as much space guys! haha
Thursdays are my favorite!โบ๏ธ I looove my smoothies thick, I prefer to eat them instead of drink. Haha. I’m interested to try oil pulling cuz my teeth are kinda yellow… Plus all the other benefits of course. I love these posts and I enjoy reading them but I miss the random facts. I’ll keep reading everyday and continue to enjoy your blog but I just thought I might remind you or ask you about the random facts cuz I always laughed out loud at those ๐
I was actually thinking about how it’s been forever since I’ve included those and I was wondering if anyone noticed. I’ll throw some in next week for sure ๐
Oh my goshโthat’s so crazy the Wow Butter jar is the same color as the nut butter! Glad you survived the dentist. Happy fun times.
I’m with you about the thickness of smoothies. I always feel like you are getting more out of it when it takes you longer to eat it with a spoon. And I have had the same problems with the mixed berries. They are way too seeded. I’ve learned to just go with strawberries or blueberries when making smoothies. I have heard of the Cinnamon toast bars but have yet to try them. I love my Keurig too! So much quicker than waiting for hot water on the stove. I am still old school and love doing word finds when I travel:)
Ooo!! New Chai tea! I’m absolutely down with all that and a bag of Oprah.
Oooo I always feel awkward when someone wants to sit with me when I’m at peace doing my work. I guess as long as they keep to themselves, there isn’t a problem. But I know how it feels to have THAT person in your bubble.
I also remember lovvvinnnggg cereal barsโ specifically the honey cheerios kind. The “milk” (frosting) was the highlight.
I love word searches!! Now I want to get a book for myself ๐
Oprah’s infiltrated Starbucks?!? What’s happening to this world? ๐ At least she picked a tasty drink to promote her foundation.
I used to love watching Oprah too! Now I watch Ellen sometimes, but its just not the same!
I thought I was the only one who used the Kreuig for hot water haha! Glad to know I’m not!
That is ODD about the Starbucks people asking to sit w/you… I wouldn’t like that, but really wouldn’t know what to say either. Awkward. Could you politely say you’re really trying to focus on what you’re doing, so you’d prefer it if they didn’t? lol
I can’t hardly wait to go to the dentist for my next cleaning!! I’m so excited because my teeth look SO white & awesome from the oil pulling that i do each morning. I used to have coffee stains on my teeth & they’d need to use a special little tool/blaster thing to get it off & I’d always feel bad for the hygienist… not anymore!! Can’t wait to hear what they told you. ๐
I can’t believe they make the nut butter container the same color as the actual stuff inside! haha! They’re so tricky! It reminds me of restaurants that have ketchup bottles that are red and right when you’re starving and ready to eat and all you need is to put the ketchup on your plate – and then you find out it’s actual empty, not full. ๐
#4 WHERE CAN I GET THAT?? hahaha
I saw them at Safeway, I think? I’m not sure what the equivalent would be in the States though!
Yes, I certainly remember using those pink erasers! It sure brings back memories of grade school! I barely handwrite anything anymore, let alone use an eraser! Ah, I miss those days!
I just had cinnamon toast crunch for the first time a couple of weeks ago! Man was I missing out!! I’m going to have to try those bars now too. Also, it would really bug me if someone sat at my table at Starbucks. I need my space!
I had THE WORST coffee shop booth share experience once… You’re right, it’s such an interesting social experiment. Anyway, I had all my things at the only open table and went to the counter to order my drink and this homeless/crazy man sat down at my table. I felt so uncomfortable (I know that’s probably awful of me) because he was acting erratic (I’m just paranoid someone will hurt me, it’s not that I care about anything else) and so I went to the couch. Then someone left and I sat at their table. HE CAME OVER TO MY TABLE AGAIN. I was just so frustrated I just worked and tried to ignore it. Is that awful of me??? (I hope not)
Glad to hear you’ve survived the dentist! Looking forward to that post on the results of the oil pulling ๐ As for the sitting by you thing, maybe wear headphones?? Even if you don’t listen to anything, they might get the hint to not bother you. That’s not to say they wont ask to sit by you, but maybe at least they won’t want to strike up a conversation. Maybe you should wear a scowl more like I do. No one EVER asks to sit by my grumpy face ๐
When people ask to sit with me in Starbucks I seriously like freeze and I’m like uhhhhh. I like to spread all of my stuff out on the table so I can see it, and yeah apparently I’m not so good at the sharing thing. I once had a guy walk up, move all of my things over and just sit without asking. I’m pretty sure I had permanent bitch face on the whole time.
๐ Now that’s definitely rude. I probably would have sported the same kind of face… either that or talked his ear off in hopes of annoying him to the point where he just leaves.
I remember the pink erasers which left smears all over my homework so I had to re-write the whole damn thing. >< UGH. Also, those little pencils with the inserts of pencil tips into a tube. I don't know if you know what I'm talking about but if you lost ONE of the pencil tips, you couldn't use the pencil. #wtf
I would have gagged if the woman starting picking her teeth in front of me… I think she would have gotten the point then. ๐ Lol
Ha! Love that the “Dentistry” crossword came up in your puzzle book. Isn’t life funny sometimes?And I love that Oprah has arrived at the Bux… gotta get my hands on that Chai Tea Latte! And I’ve said it before but I will say it again- your creamy smoothies… get. in. my. belly.
People ask to share a booth with you?? That is just weird….
And I now officially want to buy a word search book. I am not very good at crosswords so I usually by sudoku puzzle books, but word searches sound fun too!
I think you’ve just reinforced the stereotype of Canadian people being (1) too friendly and (2) too polite. If a random person asked to sit in the same booth as someone else in the states, they’d probably send a dirty, judgmental glare their way. Although that would never happen in the first place because a random person wouldn’t ask to sit in the same booth…
i got that ‘nut’ butter a couple days ago because it was on sale, i wanted sunbutter (like i have our nuts2you brand of natural but not the sunbutter one with sugar/oil added) because i have like 3 coupons that all expire in a couple months (because that’s really convenient…) and they didn’t have any…is it like the other soy nut butter? i thought it tasted odd so i hope since this is roasted soynut butter it might taste better. or maybe im just used to peanut butter ;P i know you’ve never had pb but i trust your tastebuds for this one. and yes i did see the cinnamon toast crunch bars and they have golden grahams i think? i didnt but them, i used to love cinnamon toast crunch and was never allowed to buy that or other ‘sugar’ cereals unless it was my birthday sleepover when i’d get like lucky charms and fruit loops but my best friend always had massive family size boxes of cinnamon toast crunch and when i’d visit i would always have it for breakfast ๐ did you end up buying the bars? i love how many questions i’m asking you in this comment, you better respond to them all ;P anyway…that’s all. hope you’re doing well xoxox
๐ I don’t think I’ve ever had regular soy nut butter, but I find that nut butters that are roasted tend to taste better in general, and I really do love this one. It was kind of surprising at first, but it definitely grows on you and becomes addicting. And I didn’t end up buying the bars, but I’m definitely thinking of recreating something similar!
I love pink erasers! Is it weird that I love the way they smell? Do they even sell pink erasers anymore? I heard recently they don’t teach penmanship in grade school anymore. I guess it makes sense too because everyone is typing now. I’ve never tried chia latte before. Not sure if I would like it, although I do love spicy things.
What an impertinence! Believe it or not but I’ve actually been meaning to make a batch of your crispy energy bites using Cinnamon Toast Crunch. With that sample-sized [think about 1/3 of a regular] box of the cereal I got because of last-box-in-store syndrom. You know how when they have it on special offer and it’s the last box remaining on the shelf you -have- to buy it?! The same happened with a box of Cookie Crip. There’s no way to blame me.
How could anybody ever forget about pink erasers?! But I hope you also had the pleasure of meeting those scented ones. The ones my mum thought smelled awful and wanted to throw away and I probably liked even more merely for that fact. Because they really smelled but a little rebelling felt good.
Omigosh are you in my brain?? I was just reminiscing on Cinnamon Toast Crunch….that is my kryptonite and now I need to get my hands on that bar- yummy! And you wanna guess what I’ve spent the past few days doing? YouTubing old Oprah episodes that I missed…I adore that woman! That’s so gross about teeth picker at Starbucks- ick I shudder at the thought! Happy Thursday, lady!
I love your thinking out loud posts SOOOO much. =)
I’m currently getting ready to go and meet a friend at Starbucks – hopefully going to get quite a bit of blog work done! Need to: get a picture of my face, an about me, and that’s about it for today! I’ll have to try the chai after our Paleo challenge since there is no soy. (drat!)
Oh, and just so we are on the same page…I hated those erasers. I loved my clicker ones that were white, though!
Those cinnamon toast crunch bars look amazing! Probably not the best thing in the world for you but neither is the cereal. However, it too is my favorite cereal of all time. Did you try the bars? I have also seen boxed mixes for cinnamon toast crunch cupcakes that I am very intrigued by!
I didn’t try the bars because the ingredients list was legit as long as the entire side of the box. I might try to recreate them though!