Happy Friday, friends! ๐
Who’s glad to see the weekend rolling in? I am! But not so much for the promise of R&R, because I doubt I’ll be getting much of that this weekend (I need to get serious about packing!). No. The real reason that I’m happy to see this week come to a close is that it brings me that much closer to theย big move.
Six days and counting ๐ Can.not. wait.
And that’s not the only exciting thing that’s been happening around these parts.ย See, today I got reunited with a long-lost friend…
Not quite what you were expecting, was it? Allow me to explain.
Me and Mac go way back. If I had to pick one food that reminded me of my younger years (God, do I sound old or what?), Mac&Cheese would be it. When I was first started learning how to cook for myself, macaroni and cheese was basically the only thing that I could make [well], so it basically became the only thing I ate.
And it didn’t hurt that it was deliciously addictive either.
What? Don’t give me that look. Like you’ve never eaten an entire box over the course of one day. You never? Well then. You were either a good cook, a more health-conscious teenager, or lactose intolerant.
None of the above apply to me.
In any case… Mac&Cheese. We were tight. Peas and carrots, if you will. I won’t go over the length and breadth of my addiction to those cheesy noodles, other than to say that I loved them as much as I now love oatmeal…

… and ate them just as often [read: every day, sometimes multiple times]
(Get your minds outta the gutter!)ย
Enter ED, stage right (Boo! Hiss!). Hello 4 years of Mac&Cheese sobriety…
… and now, good-bye…
… and good riddance…

Yes, I’ve fallen off the wagon. Okay, maybe not completelyย off the wagon; I mean, I can actually cook [other things] now, and I doubt that I could go back to eating it as much as I used to, but the waves of nostalgia that hit me at lunch were intoxicating, and Mac&Cheese will definitelyย be making more regular appearances in the future.
Enjoy the start of your weekend, loves ๐
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What food(s) bring back memories of your younger self?ย
Do you still eat them now? Healthier variations?
I love annies mac and cheese! soo good! ๐
Wow, so exciting that you only have 6 more days until you move! That’s awesome. ๐
I definitely have a soft spot in my heart for mac and cheese. And I tend to gravitate towards it when I’m in the need for some comfort food.
Good luck packing and with the whole moving process! I wish you well in this transition. Lots of love to you <3
I think Mac’n’cheese must be a really american/canadian thing…or my Irish family just wasnt fond of it! I definitely had it once or twice but what i would associate more as being a childhood meal is Spaghetti Bolognaise! I havent had it in around 3 years (due to ED) but i know i used to LOVE it. We had it every Monday after Brownies (i think you guys call it scouts or something?)
Defo wana try that again. Great post! xx
eee, Only 6 days left? Wow- those days really flew by! excitingg ๐
And I think it may just be my imagination, but mac and cheese is just that much better in shell form that macaroni shaped. THe shells catch more of the cheese and its just oh so delicious ๐
whoops, I mean ‘better in shell form THAN macaroni shaped’
I can’t believe it’s only 6 days now! How exciting!
I love mac & cheese. It’s one of my all time favourites (and I’m a big pasta fan!)
I was never a huge mac and cheese fan, but this post is actually making me crave it!
When I was younger I was obsessed with tortellini and alfredo sauce but it definitely got put on the blacklist when the ED kicked in. ๐ I don’t really eat alfredo sauce much anymore, but I love ravioli/tortellini with marinara sauce now!
Okay this is going to sound weird but I use to like mac and cheese with ketchup! LOL Im such a ketchup queen ๐ I put it on everything. I’ll eat small portions of ‘healthier’ mac and cheese now. Its a big challenge but ive one it, nothing happens. It tastes okay! Not as good as the kraft crap of course but that’s just my opinion.
Haha actually that’s not weird at all. I eat mac and cheese with ketchup too ๐ That’s exactly what I added to my bowl after pics were taken ๐ And it. is. fabulous.
Ohhhh my goodness….I love mac ‘n cheese!!!! I can totally see how mac ‘n cheese would bring the childhood memories back, I would also think that perogies remind me of childhood with bbq’d burgers…LOL! I never eat any anymore ๐
Yay only 6 days!! ๐ I’m so exited for you! I used to be the exact same way as a kid haha. Mac and cheese was the only thing I was able to cook so I ate it all the time. Oh and those ramen noodles too. I haven’t had either of them in so long. I might have to look up a non-cheesy recipe version of Mac&Cheese ๐
Yay! I’m so happy that you’re able to love an old friend once again :). I recently found a gluten free, dairy free (though definitely not calorie free..) version of mac and cheese and I devoured it quite fast..:p. I used to adore KD as a kid though.
My mom’s turkey chili ALWAYS does it for me! The smell of it throughout our house… it was amazing.
Childhood memory food for me was hot dogs! However, now I don’t eat pork and well, if you see the junk they throw in there…
However, we’ve been thinking about doing the chicken sausage splurge ๐
I actually have a box of Annie’s Mac sitting in my pantry right now…perhaps I’ll have to go and dig into it now..
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! ๐
Ahh 6 daysssssss! I am so thrilled for you ๐
I used to love that Mac and Cheese brand when I was younger too! I always asked my mom to add in extra cheese/milk to make it basically a cream with some pieces of pasta thrown in there… healthy for sure. I also liked the Kraft Mac and Cheese too… such an unnatural orange color that was just so darn good. My mom made it extra yummy by melting extra cheese into the sauce before serving it with the pasta ๐
Can’t say I have had anything like that in years! Too “afraid.” That is total crap though, and I really ought to change such fears…bring on the Mac!
iii, cant wait for the big move Amanda!! The time has really flyed by!
It sounds so lovely to reunite with a childhood-friend, and that mac and cheese actually looks really really good! Mc and cheese isnt really a big thing in Norway, and I dont think I have ever tasted it before ๐ฎ
All I can remember I loved as a child is dark chocolate. Not so much changed there ๐ My mum used to hide the chocolate all over the house, but I always found it ๐ And also I remember I made “yohurt-messes” with yoghurt and pieces of bread. Sounds weird, but it was my favorit breakfast for years!
Enjoy your weeked love<3
Yogurt and bread actually sounds pretty darned tasty, and I’m so tempted to give it a go to see what it’s like! I love yogurt and cereal/oatmeal, so why not bread? ๐
EEeeeEEeee 6 days!!! SO SO excited for you girly!!! *happy dance* ๐
Hmm I have to say though, I was never really a fan of mac and cheese. In fact I wasn’t much of a fan of pasta and I’m still not ha. Foods from childhood would be crisp (I think you call them chips?) sandwiches..haha so not healthy, baked potatoes with lots of cheese ๐ oh and crumpets for lunch (oh how very English LOL). I don’t really have any healthier versions of them these days…except for maybe sweet potatoes..I’m kinda glad anyway because I was a really picky child and hardly had any variation in my diet unlike these days yay ๐
I love macaroni and cheese! I’m sensitive to gluten now, and I was thrilled when I found a box of GF mac and cheese made by Annie’s the other day! I haven’t tried it yet, but fingers crossed it’s as good as Kraft used to taste. Haha! The joys of being a kid. I used to love putting a slice of American cheese on top of a croissant, and melting it in the microwave. So unhealthy. So delicious at the time. The concept of American cheese disgusts me now, and croissants have gluten, so I don’t think I’ll ever be having that snack again. I suppose a healthier version would be a grilled cheese sandwich on GF bread! Yum.
Ahhhh! You just made me want mac n’ cheese! I’m a fan of the blue box. You know, the 88-cent one. Soooo good. That brings back memories for me, as does my mom’s chili recipe, and her meatloaf. Makes me smile just thinking about it
6 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to see the pictures and all the cute stuff you pick out while shopping! Exciting for you and and exciting for me! ๐
Although I was not into the mac and cheese as much as you were when I was a kid, I have memories of it and all its glory whenever I decided to make it. The Kraft classic ๐ I don’t like it as much now so I don’t fix it, but one of the childhood foods I do fix every once and a while are pancakes. I can’t ever remember having pancakes at my house, but whenever I slept over at a friends, that is what we would always have! Pancakes with peanut butter and powdered sugar…and syrup. I hadn’t had pancakes for 3 years until the other day after seeing some on a blog. The ones I made were a healthier version with chocolate ๐ and whole wheat and what not; but I am going to work my way up to the ones I saw on the blog. I have to get used to eating them again because they were an “off limits” food for so long.
I think waiting 3 years made them taste so much better when I had them the other day. ๐
LOVE Annie’s Mac! And hooray for recovery ๐
omg, you know what? I used to be a Mac&Cheese fiend too! For me it was Kraft…especially if they were shaped like Spiderman or the Rugrats or something! I haven’t craved mac&cheese since ED (maybe I would like it made with real cheese though – Kraft is most definitely fake haha), but last night as I was driving home, all I wanted for dinner was a big bowl of cheesy miniature spidermans! haha! you’ve now inspired me to either pick up a box of Annies….or find a recipe for some from-scratch cheezy noodles!
Also I have to tell you that I tried to make a variation on your oatmeal concoction at breakfast yesterday…I really wanted the chocolate pudding part but I didn’t have any so I thought chocolate soy ice cream would be a good substitute…well, only till it melts. which is in about 10 seconds, of course, next to the hot oatmeal. lol! maybe pudding needs to go on my grocery list too…
Pudding should def. go on your shopping list! It’ll change how you see oatmeal ๐
I ate all kinds of things when I was younger, and I still do, but in middle school I ate tons and tons of granola!!! idk why, and i havent gotten necessarily healthier granola but i’ve switched from the carboard tasting store brand to he bear naked flavored kinds that come in a bag and homemade!! ๐
Tinned vegetable soup and baked potatoes with cheese totally remind me of my younger self but I don’t really crave baked potatoes any more. I do love veggie soup as the ultimate comfort food but tend to make my own tastier version now!
Holy cow 6 days?! It’s gone by so quickly!
MMMM I love mac n cheese. My mom makes an awesome version of it. I can never pass it up. As for making my own, I used to eat the velveeta mac n cheese EVERY DAY. That stuff was the bomb. It was so gooey and delicious. I think I went overboard on it and got tired of eating it, not ED related though. It was one of those “phases”
It’s definitely a childhood favorite of mine I’ve been wanting to try Annie’s for awhile maybe I’ll give some a try!
My Mum’s macaroni cheese was so amazing, and I’m not even a huge cheese-lover! I miss that. Jam sandwiches totally remind me of being a kid. White bread, sugary jam, squished flat from being in my school bag all day – so good. And crumpets…toasted over the fire and then dripping with butter. Two things that I’d totally never choose to eat now, but they might have to make a reappearance, just for nostalgia’s sake.