The only thing better than a weekend is a long weekend… Happy Victoria Day to my fellow Canadians! This probably wouldn’t be the best time to admit that I have no idea what Victoria Day is all about, buuuuuuut I do appreciate the extra day off regardless 😀 Edit: I felt like a bad Canadian so I just Googled it and apparently Victoria Day is “a federal Canadian public holiday celebrated on the last Monday before May 25, in honour of Queen Victoria’s birthday.” Yay!
Seeing as it’s a holiday and all, I thought I’d keep things on the lighter side here on Spoons. You guys know I’m a sucker for surveys, and I recently came across one over on Courtney’s blog that looked like it would be fun. So without further ado… some of my favourites 😀
Name your favourite…
Person… You 😉
Colour… I honestly can’t say that I have one. I like yellow bananas, red cars, blue skies, black clothes, white mountains, green grass, orange leaves, and brown chocolate. It depends on what I’m looking at.
Food… I could probably live off almond butter — I put that sh*t on everything…
Smell… Coffee! I’ve actually always loved the smell of coffee, even back in the day when I couldn’t tolerate the taste. I didn’t start drinking it regularly until my first year of university, and I remember thinking it tasted like tar that’s been scraped from the walls of a sewage pipe. Oh how things have changed…
Book… Impossible. There’s no way to choose one favourite book — I love too many.
Movie… Beauty & The Beast. I love all Disney movies in general, but Beauty & The Beast will always hold the number one spot in my heart… and Belle is my favourite Disney princess.
Time of day… The early morning. Peace, quiet, and breakfast 😉
Day of the week… Friday. Enough structure to make me feel productive with that beautiful promise of freedom waiting at the end.
Thing to do when bored… I don’t know if I would say that I ever really get bored anymore, but if I’m stuck in traffic or waiting in line then I’ll usually whip out the Candy Crush to pass the time…
Celebrity… I would normally say Johnny Depp, but Leonardo DiCaprio has been a long time favourite that’s been capturing my attention a lot more lately, so I’ll go with him this time around.
Drink… Coffeeeeeeeeeeee.
TV show… I’m completely out of the loop when it comes to current TV shows, but I think that Gossip Girl will always be my #1. Might be time to bust out the DVDs again.
Fruit… Bananas. I can’t even remember the last time I went a day without at least one — usually more.
Vegetable… The orange squash responsible for my lovely “glow” — kabocha.
Store/shop… Sephora. We’re not even going to talk about how much money I’ve spent there.
Workout… Anything that doesn’t feel like a workout. I may end up back in a gym one day, but for now I enjoy just being active in general without measuring anything like time, distance, weights, etc.
Quote… This one!
“There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide.“
Well said, Ralph Waldo Emerson… well said indeed.
Boy’s name… I’m gonna go withhhhhh… Ben.
Girl’s name… Amanda, obviously 😉
Potato chip flavour… Sour cream & onion. Or plain, if they have the crinkle cut.
Meal of the day… That would be breakfast; all day, preferably.
Ice cream flavour… I’m a simple vanilla kind of girl. Classic, delicious, and the perfect base for whatever toppings you want to throw in there.
Season… I love everything about fall. The colours, the smells, the flavours, and the much appreciated chance to slow down after the high energy of summer. The only downside is the looming threat of winter.
Dessert… Three words: chocolate.freaking.CAKE.
Lifehack… Did you know… that you can soften rock hard brown sugar by putting it in a container, wetting a dish towel, and placing the damp towel over the opening of the container? Over time, the sugar will absorb the moisture from the cloth and all you have to do is fluff it up with a fork and it’ll be as good as new!
Pick a handful and tell me YOUR favourites! 😀
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I think my almond butter addiction had finally returned…I will be sure to think of you every time I have a spoonful of Justin’s maple ;-).
This is one of the funnest post I have seen. What a great idea, I love it Amanda. Your pictures are amazing and morning is my MOST Fave part of the day 🙂