Would you think less of me if I admitted that a lot of the comments you guys left on my last post made my eyes a bit misty? I hope not, because I seriously teared up. You guys are the best. Honestly. Thank you so much for all the warm welcomes (and welcome backs). It reminds me of one of the things I love most about blogging – being surrounded by amazing people…
… whoooo just so happen to be obsessed with the same things I am.
Winnnnnnnnn 😀
So I was originally planning on sharing my favorite cookie dough recipe with you guys today, but then I realized it was Wednesday and that I’ve always kind-of, sort-of wanted to do a WIAW post after seeing so many of them pop up around the blog world, so the cookie dough will have to wait.
I don’t know about you guys, but I have this slight fascination with seeing what other people eat. It used to be a way for me to unhealthily compare my own eating habits to those of others, but now it just comes down to plain old curiosity… and a way to pick up some amazing new ideas.
What can I say?
There are some brilliant people out there who come up with some of the most delicious things to eat; things I would probably never come up with on my own. Comparison is bad, as we’re all individuals with individual needs, but inspiration is good, and I’d be lying if I said that the blog world wasn’t a constant source of inspiration for me. So without further ado…
Breakfast is, without a doubt, my favorite meal of the day, and I always, always, 99.99% of the time wake up ready to chew off my own arm, so it needs to be epic. And this morning it definitely was…
Steel-cut banana oats topped with almond butter and chocolate and caramel pudding.
Dessert for breakfast? Please and thank you. Dee-molished while catching up on my favorite blogs.
After letting my belly digest that for a bit, I decided to brave the blow-your-head-off wind and headed outside for a run. It was… not the best. I really hate running in the wind, and today was especially bad. I managed 3 miles in 30 minutes, but didn’t enjoy it as much as I would have liked. Boo.
After stretching out a sore hamstring (why is it that only ONE hurts?), I needed a little something to hold me over until lunch so I broke out one of my chocolate chip cookie dough protein balls…
Recipe coming soon!
… and enjoyed it with… what’s that in the background? A rather random concoction I came up with one day. What you do is take:
- scant ¼ cup of vanilla Greek yogurt
- ½ scoop of vanilla protein powder
- 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder
And mix, mix, mix away.

What you end up with is something similar to cake batter in texture, with a tangy, sweet, chocolatey taste. Almost like chocolate cheesecake? Or, a healthy imitation of it, anyways 😉 But cut me some slack; I wasn’t about to break out the cheesecake at 10 in the morning…
That [just barely] held me over until lunch time, at which point I began craving… breakfast. I should probably warn you now that I have no qualms with eating breakfast for lunch/dinner, and do so quite regularly. Hey, if it ain’t broke, fix up a breakfast bake… and so I did 😀

I whipped up a blueberry muffin breakfast bake from a recipe loosely adapted from Jess, topped it with cream cheese and almond butter (I couldn’t decide!), and enjoyed it alongside my daily salad beast.
Mixed greens, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, bell pepper, homemade dressing.
Why, oh why, did this lunch have to end? Oh yeah, so I could go on to get some actual work done and eventually enjoy a delicious afternoon snack while browsing through a few magazines.

Greek yogurt, banana, Kashi Honey Sunshine, almond butter, chocolate chips.
And now I’m sitting here, putting the finishing touches on this post and dinner…
Sesame Stir Fry… Broccoli, mushrooms, bell pepper, onion, ginger, garlic, and tofu cooked in toasted sesame oil and soy sauce, eaten alongside buckwheat noodles.
. – . – . – .
Gah. It takes a tonne of time to post everything I eat, and it would probably take a lot longer if I included all the things I randomly pick at throughout the course of the day. That being the case, it’s something I probably won’t do too often, but I just wanted to give you guys a general idea of how and what I eat.
I’ve still got one more snack to go (canNOT sleep on an empty stomach) before calling it a day, but until then, I think I’ll go veg out on the couch and pop in an old season of Gossip Girl.
Much love until tomorrow <3
Best thing you ate today? If I had kids, this would be like asking me which one is my favorite. But I’m gonna have to go with Little TImmy (breakfast bake), because it managed to hit the spot just right.
Favorite breakfast food to have for dinner? Crepes. Or pancakes. Or… oatmeal?
Ahhhh the cookie dough balls look amazing – YUM! 🙂
HI Amanda – so thrilled to see you are back to blogging!!!! Your blog was definately one of my favorites!!!!!! As usual i love your recipes and genuine love for life!!!!!!!!!! I look forward to reading every day!!!! Aimee at Walking thru Sunflowers
I officially love your blog!!
I’m all about oatmeal for dinner – literally, 3 or 4 x a week at the moment 😛
I love your eats!!!!!!!! Ahhhhh!!
I want those balls of heaven!! Haha!
They look so good!!! Hope your day was great girl!!!!
Awwww does it really take that long that you won’t participate again? I’m so pouting right now. hardcore!
So flipping nice to meet ya girly! You had me at dessert for breakfast! haha! Your meals are gorgeous and i’m totally craving a giant salad now! =)
Nooo, no no. I actually really enjoyed it, and I’ll probably be doing WIAW every week 🙂 I just meant I won’t be posting all my eats every day.
Omg I am so happy to have found your blog. Your eats look insanely good. Those oats have made my stomach rumble. I love a good almond butter, chocolate combo. And that stir fry looks delish! Great way to get them veggies in 😀
everything looks so good, especially your dinner. I want to try buckwheat noodles.
Yes, your pictures are the BEST! I could reach through the screen and eat your food it looks that good!!
Oh, Amanda! It’s almost bedtime here and reading this is is making me soooo hungry. If only I could grab something directly from the pictures!
I love breakfast for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Big bowls of oatmeal, banana sandwiches, pancakes… I would eat any of these for dinner without thinking twice.
I agree that many of the bloggers are so full of great meals and ideas, but I think you are one of them as well. I won’t forget that awesome pizzas you made, and yogurt bowls. You actually introduced me to a wonderful world of yogurt banana messes 🙂
oh! p.s my blog is private but i added you, let me know if you cant read it!
i love it all especially the oatmeal it looks so prettty!
Ohhh how I missed your amazing food. Can’t wait to see the dough ball recipe!
I’m like you, I love seeing what others eat throughout the day just so that I can get some new ideas! I like to mix it up a little 😉
I love having oatmeal for dinner and sometimes pancakes for lunch. I could eat oatmeal all day but unfortunately (or fortunately) there needs to be some greenery as well to avoid getting scurvy. Boooooo! Haha. Favourite thing I ate today was definitely a ferrero rocher that someone gave me in my physics lab today. What a way to brighten up a PHYSICS lab! 😛
If you’re not inspirational, Amanda, I don’t know who is. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful eats with us! It just makes the whole process of figuring out WHAT to eat so much easier when you have this sort of inspiration to turn to!
oh my GOSH!! seriously your eats are insane!! loving that breakfast! and well.. everything! it looks amazing!!.. OATMEAL for dinner 😀
oh my goodness!! i just realized that your old blog was .seek.????? how i have missed your blog!!! sosososo much!! im really glad youre back =)
hey girl i just found your blog through megan (@ the oatmeal diaries) and im totally looking forward to reading more! best thing i ate today was definitely oatmeal with pecan and cherries and homemade almond milk from a bakery nearby, followed closely by my mainstay, almond butter+banana on toast!!!
favorite breakfast food for dinner would be toast!!! im a toast girl i cant help myself
I can’t wait for the protein cookie dough balls recipe!! I’m all for healthy cookie dough. 😉
Oh, I forgot how your food pictures have the uncanny ability to make me salivate. Your oatmeal…good Lord…please come visit and make me a batch??!
Yay for another WIAW newbie!! I like seeing different combinations on blogs, too – especially because when it comes to snacks, I tend to have the same old things even if my meals are usually different. All of your meals look fabulous!
I’m a fan of breakfast for lunch. Dinner not quite so much, but I love waffles or pancakes for lunch!
Your food pictures make me happy. I wish my food looked that pretty. Also, I wish I ate as healthy as you. I’ve been eating so badly lately. Dang students keep bringing me chocolate cake and cookies… :p