Hi friends! How’s your weekend been?
After spending the majority of mine away from the computer, it actually feels pretty good to get back at it. That being said, my brain is still in Sunday mode so I thought I’d take things easy today with a little survey action. I’ve been seeing this one pop up on various blogs and thought it would be pretty fun to fill out. Be back tomorrow with something a little more substantial 😀
1. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning. Blindly feel around for my phone – knock it off the nightstand – make exaggerated noises of displeasure as I half hang out of bed and search the floor – find the darn thing – check e-mails/Twitter/Instagram/Facebook/Google Reader. Can we say social media overload? No wonder I feel like I have ADHD. After that, I half slide out of bed and amble into the kitchen to make some tea.
2. First thing you reach for when you open the fridge. Well, I was going to say yogurt, but that would only be half true. Watermelon. I pretty much always have a bowl of it sitting in my fridge, and I dig in to it multiple times throughout the day. I have a problem 😳
3. First things you do when you go to the gym. Errr. Well. Since I don’t formally work out, I don’t really go to the gym. I’ll hit up the gym in my building to walk on the treadmill now that it’s too cold to walk outside, or I’ll use the treadmill at my parents’ place, but other than that… err… next question please!
4. First thing you do you when you get home from work. Get naked! Err… sort of. I toss down whatever it is that I’m carrying and make a beeline straight for my closet where I stop pretending to be a responsible 27 year old woman, shed my adult clothes, and get comfy in my PJ’s.
5. First car. Mom’s – a beige 95 Toyota Camry But if we’re talking first car that was actually mine, then it was a pearl white 95 Mitsubishi 3000gt. I miss that car…
6. First car accident / traffic violation. I’ve never been in an accident, but I’ve definitely had my fair share of traffic violations. I think the first one was a speeding ticket that I got when I was still driving my mom’s car, maybe around 4 months after I got my license? It was an early sign of things to come…
7. First thing you wanted to be when you grew up. Probably a race car driver, hence the repeated traffic violations. I have a thing for cars… and speed. I blame my father.
8. First choice beverage. Coffeeeeeee. If I had my way, I’d probably drink nothing but coffee all day, but since that would probably reduce my stomach to a raging mush, I try to limit it to 1-2 cups a day.
9. First choice breakfast. Wellllll, since me and oatmeal are currently taking a break in our relationship, I’m going to go with cereal on this one. I know pancakes, waffles, and eggs are probably more popular choices, but cereal suits me just fine… especially when yogurt, fruit, and almond butter are involved.
10. First choice dessert. I had to think long and hard about this one – dessert is serious business. There are way too many delicious desserts to choose from, but I’m pretty sure that I’m going to have to go with the classic chocolate chip cookie, complete with white flour, sugar, and butter. Cookies can seriously solve all of life’s problems.
11. First song that comes to mind. I’m currently kind of obsessed with Not Strong Enough by Apocalyptica. Does anyone else fall head over heels in love with a song, listen to it nonstop for days/weeks, get sick of it and move on to something else? Story of my life…
12. First major purchase. I can’t really remember all of the early ones, so I’m just going to go ahead and say my condo. Having a mortgage makes me feel all grown up… it’s an uncomfortable sensation.
13. First job. Oh geez. Uhmmm. To be completely honest, I’ve never had a real, real job. I’ve been working forever, but it’s always been helping out at the family business, so I don’t know if that really counts.Oh! How about babysitting? I did that for a little while…
14. First time you flew on a plane. As far as I know, I was seven and we were going to Poland. All of my family (besides Mom and Dad) live in Poland so that was the first time I got to meet them.
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What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
What’s your first choice breakfast? Dessert?
First song that comes to mind?
First thing I do in the am is grab le phone and search stuff too. Song on the mind right now is…oh quickkk…oh holy night. It’s playing in the background. BUTT YES I find songs and obsess over them. Surprisingly right now I’m not. I would totally watch you race cars!
I’ve never had a “real” job either. Like a grown up job or anything, just nannying, working at the mall, hostessing, things like that. Not anything big time. Sometimes this freaks me out, but oh well I’ll figure it out. The first thing I do in the morning is chug water, since I wake up so thirsty, then play around a bit on the computer, then eat breakfast…or breakfast may come first depending what time I wake up at. Love this survey!
Definitely with you on e getting strait into comfy clothes ASAP after work. It’s all about the pjs. The first thing I have to do in the morning is walk my dog before he gets angry with me, and that’s before I’ve even brushed my hair! It is before 6am so I tell myself it’s ok…
First thing I do in the morning = stretch.
First choice breakfast = Quest bar (either the chocolate-peanut butter flavor or the cinnamon roll flavor)
First song that comes to mind = Mr. Bright Side by The Killers (I was just listening to it, haha).
Love your answers to the survey! So fun.
I am with you on the shedding of work clothes as soon as you get home. I can’t stand to be all dressed up any longer than I have to!
Hehehe I’m exactly the same first thing in the morning and scramble to find my phone!
Love this! So many firsts and makes me think of so many of my own… First kiss, first boyfriend, first time I said “I love you”, first time I went to the hospital, first day of work 😛
First thing I do when I wake-up is check all the updates on my phone. First thing I do when I get home is get nakey and switch into sweats [so comfy]. First choice breakfast would be anything sweet! First choice dessert would be fro-yo. First song that comes to mind is “Ho Hey” by The Lumineers 🙂
Haha we are so alike. I fumble for my phone and always seem to drop it, which is unfortunate because my parents’ bedroom is right below mine and the noisy drop always wakes them up. I also immediately start reading all social media apps but have this pesky tendency to fall asleep with my phone next to me. It’s awful :/
The first thing I do when I get home is also change into pajamas! When I was younger, my mom would always scold me for “ruining my jeans” and stretching out the knee-part of them and she insisted on me changing into “home clothes” immediately. The habit definitely passed on to my adult life!
I’m lucky to have carpet in my room or I’m pretty sure my phone would have shattered by now. If not then I would definitely be dealing with upset neighbors 😆 And I’ve always felt kind of bad wearing out my good clothes too, which I guess is even more reason to spend the day in PJ’s 😀
omg I looove watermelon, I wish I always had a bowl in my fridge haha
First thing I do when I wake up is drink a lot of water because I’m always thirsty lol (like really thirsty lol like half my body weight in the first hour of waking up hahaha) but then I do like 15-20 minutes of stretching yoga to wake up my body 🙂
First thing I do in the morning is either check the time on my phone or turn off the alarm. Then I give Koda good morning pats (it puts me in a good mood before barely opening my eyes).
Choice dessert is OF COURSE cupcakes. But seeing as I consider them their own food group, they don’t count in the dessert food group (ps. REAL food groups = cupcakes, desserts, snacks, cereal, pancakes/waffles/french toast, and other (which includes fruits, veggies and miscellaneous other healthy things) — for the record). So I would have to go with freshly baked cookies that are still soft on the inside or homemade banana or zucchini bread baked to perfection. Yum!!
I’m like you with a habit of playing songs over and over again, too. Currently a fan of Diamonds, the new version of True Colours, Hall of Fame, and the new Bruno Mars song. Oh. And I’m still hung up on Call Me Maybe. #noshame. 😉
Have a lovely Monday, lovely!! xo
I am another huge fan of cereal for breakfast. It is just so quick and easy, and always always always tastes delicious! When I plan on cereal for breakfast, I never have to wonder if it will “turn out good” or how it will taste. I guess I like a sure thing!
I love this survey! Must do soon!! The first thing I do in the am is brush my teeth.
I’m totally agreeing with on the first thing when I walk in the door. Off come the big girl clothes and into the Pj’s I go! 🙂 My poor husband…. lol!
I’m totally with you on the changing clothes as soon as you get home, I’m straight into my sweat pants or yoga pants or PJ’s, love it 🙂
you best believe I change straight into my PJ’s when I get home from school. I Just can’t stand sitting in jeans.
Theres a song by Ed Sheeran called Give Me Love that I listened to non stop everyday. We went to camp with our jr highers and it was a 2 hours trip there and back. I listened to that one song on repeat the entire time. Yep, I get really obsessive over songs!
Number 4 is soooooo me! I feel badly that the hubby so often sees me in sweats, but maybe that means he should just take me out for more date nights… 😉
If I’m going to the gym right away, the first thing I do in the morning is put on my gym clothes. If I’m not, the first thing I do is turn on my laptop haha.
My first choice breakfast is definitely oatmeal, especially with banana, granola and soy nut butter. And as for dessert… ahhh do I have to choose? Either carrot cake with cream cheese frosting or super fudgey brownies!
And the first song I thought of was “Home” by Philip Phillips. Such a gorgeous song! <3
I actually haven’t heard that one! I was a big fan of him when he was doing Idol, but then kind of stopped keeping track of him when the show ended. Going to have to check it out…
upon entering my house i also always change immediately into my pj’s. my boyfriend hates it, but seriously – i need to be comfy!!
First thing I do in the morning: Climb out of bed, walk over to my Keurig, put my kcup in, and press start. Every night I set it up so the cup is ready and the kcup of my choice is sitting next to the machine. Basically, instant coffee awaits.
First Choice Breakfast: Yogurt, granola, and fruit. I used to LOVE english muffins with pb, but my stomach won’t tolerate bread in the morning. Explain that to me!
Dessert: Anything chocolate, nothing fruity.
First song that comes to mind: Well, usually in the morning I wake up with a song stuck in my head, whether or not I’ve listened to it in days, weeks, months, even YEARS! This morning I woke up singing “Society” by Eddie Vedder. It’s from the Into the Wild soundtrack.
I totally change into comfy clothes/pj’s the moment i get home. best time of the day!!
First thing i do in the morning is reach for my phone to push snooze on my alarm clock. and then i proceed to do that about 5 more times. its a terrible little habit.
I don’t have a particular first choice for breakfast since it changes daily. i just go with what i feel like eating that morning. Usually (98% of the time) its something sweet. I wouldn’t mind watermelon first though. so delish. Dessert on the other hand, i’ll always go for something chocolatey 🙂
First thing in the morning? I continue to sleep while my radio alarm is babbling on. 5-10 minutes Inswear that it’s not a mistake and it’s not in the middle of the night….
First thing I do in the morning: bathroom! I’m actually lucky if my bladder doesn’t wake me up before my alarm. Err, maybe that’s not true. I actually prefer to wake up before my alarm because it means I’m allowed to get back in bed. I love that feeling. Knowing that I get to sleep a little bit longer–whether it’s 10 minutes or two hours–is the best. I’ll then check my email, roll out of bed and do a minute of jumping jacks. It’s a habit that I started in 2010, after reading (on a blog, of course) that it’s a better wakeup jolt that coffee. That’s not true, but it certainly helps!
First choice breakfast: this one is tough. I’m going to go with an omelet filled with spinach, garlic and looots of cheese. Hash browns, and mango on the side, please.
First choice dessert: my grandma’s cheesecake. I’ve tried many cheesecakes, and hers is still the best.
First song that comes to mind: “What’s My Age Again?” I actually haven’t listened to Blink182 since middle school, but I just read another post that featured a playlist featuring Blink. I’d completely forgotten about them!
Hehe I remember Blink 182! I used to love them when I was younger, but yeah… it’s been forever since I’ve heard them.
Ha Ha “Get Naked”… you crack me up amanda! I mean really, can we please be best blogging friends just so I can brag to others about you?? 🙂 🙂
First thing I do in the morning: Check my phone & than roll my eyes about the fact that i’m awake at such an ungodly hour.
Of course we can be best bogging buddies! I’ll have to start e-mail stalking you soon 😀
yess please do “[email protected]” 🙂 🙂
I’m exactly the same when it comes to changing into PJs IMMEDIATELY. Glad I’m not the only one. 🙂 They’re just sooo comfy.
I tend to wake up starving, so first thing I do is stumble into the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast. My first choice breakfast would probably be some sort of breakfast sandwich- maybe veggie sausages in a fresh white roll? But usually I just have muesli with grated apple, because I’m too lazy to keep bread in stock all the time (it goes stale so quickly and there’s no room in our freezer to keep any) and it’s probably healthier for me anyway.
Haha I am just the same when I get home- off come the bra & pants and on comes the pjs….even if I am planning to go out later on! If I’m home, comfort is key! First thing that I do in the morning (if my bladder isn’t calling) is the same as you- sleepily look at my phone for email/Facebook/Instagram updates…Twitter can wait till breakfast!
Loved reading your answers and hope you don’t mind me filling it in myself soon :)…you know I’m a sucker for surveys!
Wow, never knew you’ve such great interest in cars! I gotta admit though, I know almost nothing about cars ha ha! First thing in the morning is chug down a huge glass of water- without fail every single morning.
I don’t go to the extend of stripping everything off (lol sounds wrong) when I reach home, but I do like to change into plain and less presentable (in other words, comfortable) clothes- comfort first!
My dad’s been in the car business for about as long as I can remember, so I’m guessing that it must have rubbed off on me 😀
First thing I do? Turn off my alarm on my phone, delete junk mail, and check out instagram. I then roll out of bed, trip over my pillows (every damn morning. When am I going to learn to just move the pillows…?), eat half a banana, and then go do some exercise of some kind. Boring, but I like routine. 🙂
omigod I *love* Apocalyptica!! And cookies. Always cookies – preferably with some kind of chocolate in them.
First thing I do in the morning is chug the tall glass of water that sits on my nightstand. Always wakes me up a bit, and that’s one less glass of water I have to worry about during the day 😉
Haha, I pretty much leap into my sweat pants and wool socks the minute I get home. They’re my best-loved fashion accessories 🙂 And the first thing I do when I get up is always check my email. I mean, if all of my professors have unexpectedly cancelled classes, I don’t want to waste a minute of my extra sleep time (because that happens ALL the time…)
One can always dream 😀
LOL, this is for sure a fun survey. I’m glad someone else does the same thing with all the social media. Pretty sure I spend a good hour after breakfast and before work poking around the interwebs.
So going on my list of surveys to complete at some point!
I love that song! /most of the stuff Apocalyptica does in general – fantastic band. “End of Me” on the same album is also pretty fantastic.
First choice dessert? Man…I don’t even know. It depends on my mood more than anything else! Chocolate or red velvet cupcake with an inhumane amount of buttercream frosting…I have a buttercream obsession!
Or, maybe a peanut butter cup. Those work too. 😀
Glad too see you’re back and enjoyed your time away from the computer.
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning (if I am not getting home from night shift at 730am) is drink a huge glass of water. I am always so thirsty when I wake.
If I am on day shift, my preferred breakfast is a piece of toast before I leave for work, then fruit and yogurt at coffee break (usually a banana, but I live on seasonal fruit in spring and summer). I like to spread out breakfast or I will be starving by lunch.
And the first song that comes to mind is “City of the Angels” by Larry Gowan. I have been listening to the Strange Animal album on my phone on the way to work for days on end lately. It’s always been a favorite since childhood (am I showing my age there, it’s 37 by the way ha). I got hooked on it again cause so many of the songs remind me of one of my favorite shows “Once Upon a Time”. It’s been a few weeks and I haven’t gotten tired of it yet.
Surveys are the best, especially for those times when you just can’t think of a post idea.
First thing I do in the morning is check my phone for all the emails and notifications I got overnight, and then go to the bathroom. TMI, but I always have to go first thing and sometimes it even wakes me up before I wanted to.
My first choice for breakfast is definitely homemade waffles. Now that I have a waffle maker, I make them for breakfast probably every other day and they never get old because I make so many combinations. My current favorite is buckwheat with pumpkin and chocolate chips, real maple syrup on top! And sometimes I even have that for a dessert, but my first choice for dessert would have to be coconut milk ice cream. It’s so creamy and delicious without being too indulgent and now that a lot of companies are catering to vegans, there are a lot of brands and flavors to choose from, almost as many as regular ice cream!
I love surveys- so much fun learning more about each other!! You are soo lucky you’ve never been in a car accident – speaking of – today when I was in the Whole Foods parking lot a person backed their car right into mine!! It was so nerve racking especially since it wasn’t my fault!!
First thing I do when I wake up is grab my I-phone look at the time and stumble to the kitchen for well needed coffee! Favorite breakfast – probably oatmeal with fresh blueberries and cinnamon!!
!!! Someone hit your car in a parking lot?! I hope they didn’t get away with it!!
First thing I do in the morning?
Hit the snooze. LOL.
LOL <– my literal reaction when I watched that music video , sorry. Just can't take overgrown emo boys seriously 😉
First thing I do in the morning is put on clothes, makeup, make my bed, and eat breakfast. I guess I consider it all one thing though because it's done in the exact same order every day and takes me no longer than 30 minutes total lol.
First choice breakfast is oatmeal — good, quick, and easy. First choice dessert is probably M&Ms — have had quite a few of those on hand since Halloween.
First song that comes to mind is I Cry by Flo Rida. I'm a sucker for anything I can dance to. (You're totally aloud to "LOL" at this, btw! Hahaha)
These random surveys are so fun, I should do them more often…
first thing you do in the morning? Wakeup then bathroom to pee and splash cold water on my face.
first choice breakfast? Dessert? Green smoothie or oatmeal or both / chocolate ‘cheeze’cake!
first song that comes to mind? “walking in a winter wonderland.” 🙂
So many similarities between us again :D. Getting home after class/work requires changing into comfy clothes not caring about what my roomate might think. And yogurt is the first thing I grab from the fridge about every time.
First thing I do in the morning: Pretend it wasn’t my phone alarm ringing or that I had set it to a wrong (read: too early) time and still had at least an hour more of sleep ahead. After realizing none of that is true: jump out of bed and close the window that’s been opened up all night and at the same time turning up the radiator because it’s getting too cold now.
First choice dessert: Way too hard of a decision to make. Maybe some special kind of ice cream or Apple Crumble or … I’m still waiting for your Fig & Date bars to arrive ;).
The first song coming to mind for me lately is “Sex on fire” by Kings of Leon. Such a great powerful day. Or “Je veux” by Zaz because it’s been on my mind forever, then I forgot about it and am now listening to it over and over again, too.
Uh oh! It’s not my fault if the mailman ate them! And I’m so happy I don’t have a roommate – it would be a little difficult to hide the crazy.
Ha, I knew our mailman wasn’t to be trusted! Looks like I should really get active in the kitchen myself whipping up your recipe – and I won’t share with the mailman :D!
I really like this survey, I will probably do it later this week when I am absolutely swamped as ever. Kind of feel like that know but trying to just bust through it. How do you get watermelon year round? In a perfect world I would always have watermelon on hand, I swear my days would be a bazillion times better. I can just feel the happiness flowing through me. I used to listen to Apocalypicta all the time! Loved learning more about you.
I was kind of freaking out about not being able to support my watermelon addiction when the colder weather hit, but a few stores around here still carry them so I’m hoping it lasts until the summer…
First thing I do in the morning: shut off my phone alarm that’s going off. Rather irritably at that.
First choice breakfast: Pancakes. Hands down. No competition. I could eat pancakes every single day, a few times a day and never ever EVER get tired of them. Thick, golden brown cakes that are fluffy in the center and crisp on the edges dripping with maple syrup….erm. Sorry. Ok, let me stop thinking about them. You get the point 😉
First choice dessert: Y’know, I don’t have that large of a sweet tooth. I like kinda simple things: a large thick, bakery style sugar cookie with shiny icing, or frosting. That’s something sweet I could always eat. A close second is Yoplait’s Very Vanilla or Boston Cream Pie yogurt smothered over granola. That never fails to hit the spot.
First song that comes to mind: well, my mp3 player tells me that the last song I listened to was Show Off by SWV. I fell asleep to it last night after placing it on repeat quite a bit. One of my favorite groups, and it’s a ‘fun’ song 😉
Great post, I like learning random facts about people- you find out that we’re not as different as we may think from each other.
PS, I’m still working on getting through more goals on my ED bucket list. Since Thanksgiving is this week I wanted to attempt some more as a way to celebrate for myself personally. Wish me luck!!
<3 Jess
Mmm pancakes – I remember my mom and grandma making the best pancakes for me when I was little. They were made with buttermilk and topped with powdered sugar. Gah! Now I want some. Unfortunately, I could never quite re-create pancakes like those…
And you’re gonna rock your goals on Thanksgiving, girl! I’m looking forward to hearing all about you kicking some serious butt 😀