I was originally going to publish this post yesterday, but I held off until today because… well… you’ll see why in a second.
So I’m pretty sure we’re all familiar with that “fresh start” feeling that accompanies the beginning of every day, week, month, or year. We make New Years’ resolutions, set monthly goals, or simply wake up in the morning with the mentality that today things will be different… today we’ll eat better, rock our workouts, be more positive, get rid of all our vices, and generally become the perfect version of ourselves.
Admit it. I know I can’t be the only one who’s put off making a change until “tomorrow” because of the belief that a good night’s sleep will wipe my slate clean and make it easier to work on the areas of my life that need improvement. Guilty. But while it’s a comforting thought, it’s also a convenient excuse, because, really, every moment is a fresh start… every.single.one.
You don’t need a new day, week, month, or year to make a change — all you need is a desire to act; and if you didn’t want it bad enough yesterday, chances are you’re probably not going to want it bad enough today. That’s the kicker, isn’t it? Finding the motivation to move from contemplation to action. We spend a lot of time thinking about doing something, but when it come to actually acting on those thoughts?
Ehhh… tomorrow.
Why? Why do we waste so much time in a state of inaction, living a life that’s far less than what we want and deserve? What are we waiting for? An invitation? An epiphany? A lightning bolt to strike us from the sky? The right moment? Here’s the thing… invitations are non-existent, epiphanies are rare, lightning bolts are lethal, and the right moment is right now.
This moment right here? A moment to start fresh. And now? Another one. The truth is that every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around, a chance to take that first step that’ll bring us closer to achieving one of our goals. It doesn’t have to be some huge, epic step, but it has to be a step nonetheless — a simple action that’ll take us out of a state of inertia and set things into motion.
Starting out is never easy, especially if the journey ahead is a long one. Looking at how far we have to go can be overwhelming and contribute to our unwillingness to act, which is why it’s important to start small and set mini goals along the way — not only are they quicker and easier to achieve, but reaching them is motivating in itself — it shows us that we are getting somewhere and reinforces the idea that we can achieve the things we set our minds to. Everything depends on taking that first step, though…
Inaction and putting things off until “tomorrow” were two things that I really struggled with when I was recovering from my eating disorder. Fear played a big part in that, but so did resignation — I simply accepted a life that was far less than the one I deserved and didn’t bother doing anything to make it better. Now, when I look back at how much time I wasted in that miserable state of existence, I just want to kick myself. The only reason I don’t is because I learned some pretty valuable lessons along the way… But I could have saved myself, as well as those around me, a lot of grief had I just done something sooner…
One simple step. Right now. It doesn’t matter if the action itself is “right” or not, what matters is that it gets you acting — it takes you out of the passive stage of contemplation and gives you the momentum to do more. Don’t put off ’till tomorrow what you deserve to have today. One thing. Right now. Go.
Are you guilty of putting things off until “tomorrow”?
What’s one thing in your life that you want to work on or achieve? What’s holding you back?
I’m guilty of putting off pretty much everything – homework, cello, running, etc. It’s a work in progress.
I keep telling myself “I need to start living in the moment…I need to start living in the moment” which is kind of a silly thing to continue saying to myself since NOW is a moment in which I can be living in.
I loved this post!
Did you jump into my brain and sort out all of the overwhelming amount of thoughts I’ve been having lately? I’ve been sooooo over my job for way too long now and I keep putting off looking for a new path. I’m not entirely sure why but I think it might have to do with a lack of confidence. You know when you’re good at something so you stick with it even when it makes your unhappy? That’s how I feel about my job. Trying out a new job or even a new career path seems incredibly daunting and it’s just easier to put it off. TODAY I will take action…In fact I am going to update my resume right now. Thanks Amanda 🙂
Oh girl, I can completely relate. I’m currently in the middle of a career change myself, and I can’t even tell you how many times I went back and forth on the idea of switching paths. It was terrifying, but after making the decision and taking those first steps towards making it happen, I can honestly tell you that it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done.
Seriously so well said, Amanda! Great post.
I am definitely guilty of putting things off, and I feel like that not only takes a toll on my stress levels, but it also inhibits me from being happier in some cases. I tend to dwell on the past too much and worry about how things COULD be, which holds me back and causes me to sulk in my troubles. I’m still working on giving myself that kick in the rear to just DO. Right now. And I’ll think of your wise words here when those times (which will hopefully become fewer) arise where I’m tempted to wait until “tomorrow.” 🙂
I don’t tend to put things off till tomorrow, but I have been guilty of that ‘I’ll start again on Monday’ thing, in fact that was a big theme with a client this week – and well it’s quite a theme with a few of them and it taps into that diet mentality. You are so right about not procrastinating and doing things now, life is simply too short!
I’m definitely guilty of putting things off until tomorrow. It took me forever to give in and get a trainer so I could get myself in proper shape. Kept telling myself I’d do it tomorrow, tomorrow. Luckily I have a wonderful, motivating boyfriend who helped me find a good trainer in the city and get me involved in blogging about my journey. It helps!
PREACH IT sista!! This is me, 10000%. I’m a delayer. I put everything off. Ok well not everything but the important things that involve ME. MY dreams, MY goals, MY desires. They come 2nd to everything and everyone. I try to tell myself its because I don’t want to be selfish, but that’s not it at all. Its because of fear. Its because I don’t trust myself. Its because I don’t believe in ME. One day soon, I hope to be able to put ME first.
I didn’t make huge improvements in recovery until I acted in the moment. And it’s funny because you think it’s going to be life changing and have a horrible response, but it doesn’t. You might feel guilty for the first few minutes, but every time you make a change it becomes easier and easier and easier until it becomes part of your LIFE. It might take work at first, but eventually… It will become “normal” to you again. I realized this when I stopped measuring things. It was so hard at first, but in a week I remembered the fact I used to measure everything and I didn’t even think to do it anymore. Right now, I need to work on my employment and my knee issues, but the knee is out of my hands which SUCKS because I can’t really take my own steps to help it out. Whomp, whomp.
Very well said! Every moment of our lives we have an opportunity to change for the better. There’s no sense in making excuses for ourselves (although sometimes it’s hard not to)… We just have to push past it and become a better version of ourselves!
Hmm , many interesting and optimistic points here.
My biggest problem/hurdle in all of this- grabbing life by the horns and making stuff HAPPEN- is that I have such trouble differentiating between what my mind wants to me do, & what I think I should actually do.
If that makes any sense.
Choosing what actions to take in life is daunting enough, before I’ve even contemplated HOW to make them happen.
So I remain stagnant. I guess because it’s easier and more comfortable that way, & I don’t have to risk the disappointment that inevitably would occur if things didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to <- ugh! These thought patterns are incredibly hard to break ( for me anyway), & are kinda crippling.
I think it helps to remember that even if things don’t turn out exactly the way you want them to, life goes on and you learn to make the most of it. Life doesn’t always have to go perfectly, and reminding ourselves that it’s okay to make mistakes is a big part of being able to take those chances…
Gah this post couldn’t have come at a more fitting time. I have been handling a sort of “situation” lately and finally yesterday I took some major action and did something I was so scared to do. It ended up going well and though I know there is still lots to do in this area, I am happy knowing that I am one step closer to getting what I want! It may be scary, but sometimes you just have to trust that what your gut is telling you to do is worth doing! Why look back and regret time wasted, life is so much better when you are actively going after what it is you want!
One of the things I like to tell myself is that you don’t usually regret an opportunity taken, but you DO regret opportunities that you let pass you by. Even if you do something and it ends up not going the way you want it to, you adapt and make the most of it. But dealing with those “what if I had done something” thoughts is the worst.
Great post! I always put off things “until tomorrow”. I’m trying to stop, but sometimes things so daunting until you start them! I think part of it is a fear of not being good enough.
I think when it comes to school, I do put things off, but I think its because I don’t always enjoy the classes I am taking. At home, I know I am guilty of putting things off because I don’t “have time”, which isn’t that great of an excuse.
One thing I want to work on is meal planning + food prep + clean(er) eating. I think what is holding me back is the time that goes into it and even the money as well. I also think my brain just gets overwhelmed with the process as well.
How did you know I needed this post just -now- ? There are a number of things I’ve been putting off for quite some time – always opting for ‘tomorrow’. The advantage of “tomorrow” is that there will always be a next tomorrow to postpone things to but there’s just one today so we’d be forced to act right away.
Even in terms of posts I always published one today that I had been holding off until tomorrow/the day after that/next week/ … Fear will always be there but just like I’m glad to have this off my chest I’ll likely relish in daring those others things I’ve been putting off, too.
One thing I want to work on is starting to socialize more again. Not just with friends but trying to push myself outside of my comfort zone and get to know new people, too.
Thanks for the reminder of acting today not tomorrow!
I used to be the Queen of Fresh Starts!
Every day, I would vow to do better the next–eat better, run farther, faster, floss my teeth, get an A…etc., etc.
Over the years, I have *FINALLY* come to realize that while the mentality of a fresh start is wonderful and something I still really enjoy, my approach is different.
I don’t have to do things perfectly. And I expect for things not to go perfectly, every.single.day. There will always be something that could be better, and oftentimes *many* things that could go better, but that doesn’t prevent me from taking note of the successes and celebrating those!
Love your blog! I am just starting to blog and can already notice a huge difference on my level of happiness simply by taking the time to focus on what is good and right in each of my days.
I love that you brought up the idea of perfectionism because I find that’s one of my biggest struggles with “fresh starting” each day — as soon as something goes wrong, I tend to want to scrap the day and start again tomorrow, hoping that it’ll go perfectly. Not realistic OR beneficial thinking.
Love this! I posted something similar yesterday. Had one fabulously productive day on Friday and that just lit a fire in me. I’m starting a Monday Mantra tradition on the blog. Would love for you to guest post sometime!
Great post Amanda, and very well said! I am completely guilty of this, putting off things until tomorrow or next week or after the weekend, but it sort of causes me stress to not do something right when I want to do it because it’s always in the back of my mind. This applies to everything and anything, but it’s a work in progress for me 🙂
I definitely love the concept that every moment is a fresh start. I don’t have to wait until tomorrow or next week or next month. Unfortunately, I am guilty of putting things off sometimes. I don’t know why – I guess maybe sometimes I’m scared or nervous about what the outcome will be or just apprehensive about just taking that step into something new. This is definitely something I need to work because there are a few changes I would like to make, but have yet to take the plunge.
Great post!! Sometimes I can be the worst procrastinator. It’s bad. Yet other times, I completely demolish my to-do list (both big and small ticketed items). It’s one extreme to the other.
Right now, it’s getting my house organized (we just moved) and blogging with greater consistency. I keep putting both of these things on the back burner, but need to take control. Thanks for the reminder 😉
😆 Oh geez, and thank YOU for the reminder that I still have to tackle a couple of boxes from my move… over 2 years ago 😯
Love this post. I liked your Instagram from last night too. I’m so guilty of putting things off because I take on 1,000 things at once. It keeps me busy, but I definitely have to remind myself to slow my roll on occasion!
Great, great post per usual!
I definitely have a lot of moments where I’m putting off things and saying ah, I’ll just do this tomorrow…but when tomorrow comes it most likely never happens either.
I’ve been getting a bit better at this, but it definitely takes a lot of drive on my part.
And you’re definitely posting this at a great time for me, so thanks for that extra push:)
I’m not usually one to put things off but I know a lot of people who do so I think this is perfectly inspiration to all of those who need it. Sometimes people are just waiting for that extra little push and I think this message could definitely give them that!
I am pretty good at not putting things off. I like to get things done as soon as I need to, as soon as I know about them, that way they don’t have to weigh on my mind for long. My son on the other hand, is already developing that habit of telling me “in 5 minutes”…I spend so much time saying to him, its been 5, just do it now and get it over with, stop procrastinating, it’s isn’t going away, why waste so much time saying in 5 minutes or tomorrow when you could have accomplished it already? lol.
love this!! perfect timing i must say 🙂 thanks!
I’m definitely guilty of putting things off until “tomorrow”–who isn’t? I feel like that’s natural, and for some things, it’s okay to. But you’re right in the idea that life is short and you never really know what’s going to happen, so if you have to opportunity, take it. And if you have the opportunity to make and opportunity, make the opportunity and THEN take it. This is especially relevant to me right now because there’s so many things I want to do before I start settling into my life for realsies that I’m really only going to get the chance to do after college, so I’m currently in the process of deciding whether or not I want to delay going to professional school and taking the time to do those things. Sigh.
I know a lot of people recommend taking time off after high school and/or college to get a feel for the world and figure out what they truly want to do. I took some time off after HS and I’m really happy that I did.
This is so well put! I am very guilty of doing this. I think it manifests itself best in complaining. If I’m complaining about something then I am in turn not doing something about it. Rather than take the time to complain, I’m trying to take the time to plan how to change the problem. This is just what I needed to read!
yesss- this is amazing. im sitting here- having just gotten back from bar method- because i promised myself TODAY would be different (i’ve been slacking in my workouts for the past couple weeks) looking at job postings that i know i can get- but that i dont want. its fear. i need to keep applying to the jobs i actually want and not give up. thanks for the reminder girl 🙂
Great post! I think we’re all guilty of putting stuff off every now and then! Luckily, that’s usually countered by my OCD and need to not have a looming to-do list all the time. I love crossing things off and getting them done!
Fresh starts are the best part of life and such a beautiful gift. Looking back at time I spent in my own eating disorder and struggling with depression, I wish I would’ve had someone to tell me I wasn’t as broken as I believed I was. There’s this pervasive thought (especially amongst those with eating disorders) that we’re insufficient and unworthy. I wish I felt deep down that being perfect isn’t a worthwhile goal, but being happy, being a good friend, a good person, following my dreams and making a difference, those are what’s important, not what size my jeans are and how many calories I ate that day.
I can definitely relate to my values becoming completely skewed when I was in the depths of my ED. Nothing mattered to me anymore besides how little I was able to eat and how much I was able to exercise — embarrassing to admit. I think one of the biggest things that helped me recover was finding value in more substantial things.
I needed this today. When life gets busy, I start writing out lists of things I’ll start doing tomorrow — reading my philosophy textbook, putting away laundry, etc etc — but why not do them today? Great post, lovely.
Yes!! I love this. And I am guilty of putting things off until “tomorrow” or “soon”… but that’s changing! What better time than now?!
Great post girly. Everyone is guilty of this and I believe it is a mindset thing… I know I have not changed things in the past that I know I should because I was afraid of failure. Why try something I know I am going to fail at once again? Once I started to realize it was OKAY to fail, it was easier and I started changing. I didn’t beat myself up about not being perfect at what I was trying to change, and I did much better at sticking to it! Thanks for the post!
I’m honestly not a “put things off” kind of person. In fact, I’m kinda the opposite, BUT that’s not always a good thing! I tend to get impatient (even with myself) and so I just act. I need to remember to slow down, take a second, and then act.
But I get what you’re saying, putting things off, such as your dreams and goals, for “tomorrow” is not the way to be. We only have today…right now!
Guilty. *raises hand* I find that I say “maybe tomorrow” lately when it comes to school work. If there are ways to put it off and it’s not due for a bit, I procrastinate. I need to stop this because it ultimately ends up making me more stressed. I love the way you ended this, though “just one step.” It’s so true. If we all just did one thing, took one action toward a greater goal, we would find the road to our goal isn’t as scary, as intimidating, as difficult, as anything as we imagine. The mind tends to over-exaggerate.
So very true. I was horrible when it came to procrastinating at school as well. That essay I had to do? I’d start the night before. That exam I had to study for? Sometimes I’d start the morning of. They hardest part was always getting myself to sit down and start — after that, it wasn’t that bad.
I’m really bad at doing this myself. I will always put things off until tomorrow but you are right…we don’t need to start of freshly slept and with a clean slate.
Great post and I’ll say it again, you need to get paid to write. I think we’re all guilty of putting things off from time to time. I’m definitely not perfect, but for the most part I think I act on things pretty quickly. Thanks for the reminder of how important this can be!
Love this so much – and most importantly, I love your spirit and that you actually talk about these things. Fear based thinking has definitely played a part in past situations, and even present, but the difference between then and now is, I’m able to recognize those illusions and work through it.
Lady – this is one heck of an awesome post! So needed this reminder!
Yes, I am guilty of putting off till “tomorrow” something I should do today, just cos I am comfortable in my situation. But being “comfotable” never really helped me grow – it’s stepping out of that comfort zone NOW that does!
I have been holding back in a work situation; I have a daughter who is a 100% dependant on me and I have been trying to figure out the best plan for both of us, before jumping out of my comfort zone…this morning, just before reading your post, my daily devotional started off with: “Do not begin to be anxious” (Phil. 4:6) … the messages – they seem to keep coming 🙂
Oh, btw, I saw your reply from yesterday – you don’t know how much your kind offer to chat touched me – you are one amazing lady and friend – so glad to have “met” ya! I will most definitely keep that in mind.
Right back at you, Shashi <3
I always put off the things I don’t want to do until tomorrow. If it’s something I do want to do, I get it checked off my to-do list right away. Those emails that I don’t want to send? Tomorrow. The dishes I don’t want to put away? Tomorrow. The laundry that’s sitting in the dryer? Tomorrow. The froyo I want at the store? Today. Someone once told me that we’re rewriting history with every single day, and it’s really true. Every second is a fresh start. Why shouldn’t we start right now? Usually I feel like it’s out of fear or dreading the outcome, but if we actually just got it over with, we’d probably be a whole lot happier as people.
Definitely. A lot of things can feel like an impossible task at first, but when we actually get around to working on ’em, they usually don’t turn out to be that bad.
Very well said Amanda!
I was guilty big time with postponing things or changes to a start of a month or to a Monday. I am a lot better, I realized one day that the change is NOW. and NOW. And NOW. I don’t know, I was just so tired of waiting for the time to come when the change will happen, so I did it right then. When I started this, it was so motivating because I could see the change 1 minute after my decision to go for it.
We never know if there’s another tomorrow, so procrastination doesn’t make anything better, au contraire – it only extends the pain.