Howdy-ho readerinos!
I realize this may not be a very popular opinion, but I am so over the weekend — TGIM(onday)! Why? A serious case of cabin fever! The past 3 days have been ridiculously cold around these parts, and nothing could convince me to leave the comfort of my warm home to risk freezing to death outside.
Okay, that’s not entirely true… I did manage to make it out of the house to go Christmas shopping on Friday night (note to self: never do this again), grocery shopping on Saturday morning (I ran out of toothpaste), and over to my parents’ to decorate on Sunday night, but other than that, my weekend looked a whole lot like this…
Let’s take a moment to analyze the scene, shall we? We have the laptop for blog maintenance, blogging, and general procrastination. The iPad and notes for studying. Christmas cards for writing. Tea for defrosting. And snacks for… well… snacking., you guys… I’m not sure if it was the cold weather, the computer/school work, or a little bit of both, but I was an absolute bottomless pit this weekend. I’m talking finishing one meal only to be picking away at something else a mere 20 minutes later — I was basically eating — and that’s not even close to being an exaggeration.
Being within 5 feet of my kitchen for most of the weekend probably didn’t help my case much, and I don’t imagine that these did either…
Chocolate gingerbread bars. Swooooon. I was planning on sharing the recipe with you guys today, but you know how I mentioned the whole bottomless pit thing? Yeaaaaah. I polished off too many bars in the taste-testing phase, and there wasn’t enough food/daylight left to have a proper photo shoot when I finally decided they were share-worthy 😕 But don’t worry — I’ll be baking up another batch today and hopefully sharing it tomorrow.
Other than that, I really don’t have a whole lot more to share with you guys. It was cold. I basically became a shut-in. I studied. I gave myself a massive headache from spending far too much time working with code. I baked. I ate. I watched old school James Bond movies (random). Aaaaaand I came down with a serious case of cabin fever.
Thankfully, it’s currently a balmy -5ºC (23ºF), so you’d better believe that I’ll be out the door as soon as I finish writing this post. Well, okay… I need to eat breakfast, brush my teeth, tame my mane, and wait for the world to actually wake up, but after that? Poof… I’m gone.
Oh! One more thing before I go. Remember how I mentioned the possibility of starting a Thinking Out Loud linkup on Thursdays? A lot of you thought it’d be a great idea, so we’re giving it a go and taking it for a test drive this Thursday.
The deets:
- Write a post full of random thoughts, pictures, and musings. Have fun! Don’t be too serious! Write whatever pops into your head — just let your stream of consciousness flow freely.
- Grab the button up there ^^
- Come back on Thursday and add your link to the linkup so we can all see what’s on your mind.
That’s all! I’m keeping things pretty basic for now just to test the waters, but I may add a question/task/theme in the future. For now, I just wanna see the randomness you guys are thinking about, so I hope you’ll join in!
Happy Monday, friends! Kick some serious butt this week! 😀
Yay! I’m happy that you turned it into a link up! Definitely joining when I can 🙂 Goodness, I don’t blame you for being a shut in with the temps that cold, girl! It’s hard for me to venture out right now, too, and I usually love the cooler weather. I’m finding that I don’t like it nearly as much as I get older, though, haha…don’t like heat and don’t like cold…I need to find somewhere where the temps are 50-70 year round! Looking forward to that recipe! Those bars look awesome 🙂
Isn’t it crazy how we used to be able to play out in the snow for HOURS when we were kids, and now all we want to do is get out of it as fast as possible? Yay for growing up? 😯
Yay for the link-up! What a great idea. We got quite the dumping of snow last night so I’m staying warm in my cabin too 🙂 happy Monday lovely.
i just baked all weekend too. and then licked the bowl. Man, we should have been hibernating together! yay for TOL linkup!
I am actually jealous and want to catch your version cabin fever NOW! Minus the negative temps, it’s 31 degrees in AZ and I’ve been whining like a baby over it haha, I don’t think I would do too well in your temps!
It’s winter break from ASU so I have a feeling I might catch a small case of cabin fever I am planning for this weekend. Sometimes it’s nice to just reset, be alone, blog, read, eat, and cozy up with a warm mug of tea.
Also, that picture is stunning and if it wasn’t all sorts of creepy I would make it my screen saver haha
Have an amazing day! I look forward to your posts all the time, they are lovely 🙂
Thanks so much, Ashley! Hope you’re having an amazing day as well!
Chocolate gingerbread. I wouldn’t think to put those two things together, but I bet they’re delicious. Would love to link up, but Thursday is Veggie of the Month. Maybe next week!
You should open up a bakery, I swear! After eating your mug cakes for three days in a row I am convinced you are a genius when it comes to sweet treats. I trust that those brownies will be delightful. It’s been pretty cold here, too, maybe just a tad warmer than your neck of the woods. I ventured out this weekend only because it was my last one here for a month!
My Take*
Hey love!! I eat more when I’m restless myself 🙂 Dont stress too much!:)
Can I link up my My Taje Thursday feature if I use your button!?:) I think they are pretty similar and I’d love to be a part !:)
PS- Thanks for your camera tips! My camera came today!!!:) now I can’t wait for Christmas now !!:):)
You can definitely link up, love! And that’s SO exciting about your camera!!! Are you making yourself wait until Christmas to open it up?
Fabulous!:) I will most definitely link up! No, I wouldn’t make myself wait- haha! I would go ahead and indulge, but it’s a gift from my mom and I’m paying for a bit of it myself and then she got the remainder of the cost for Christmas and my birthday ( which is New Year’s Eve). It was hard to do, but I was good and didn’t open it:)
It was chilly here too – unfortunately I didn’t have any fun snacks (and I wasn’t brave enough to face the snow!) so this weekend consisted of the most random things I could find in my cupboard (I’m not kidding, I think I ate half a jar of honey with almond crisps lol)
Boo Monday! Ha. I would love to visit Canada, but I couldn’t live there. It’s just too chilly for me!
Yay for the link up! I am excited….I hate those shut-in days combined with the whole increased appetite thing. I already see it happening around these parts, my goodness I am dreading the snow days trapped in the house with the little boy – I know I am terrible but cabin fever is magnified with a child lol…It is enough to figure out what to do with myself and what to eat let alone listen to him trying to figure out the same.
I should probably just change the “title” of my blog because the deets you wrote are pretty much all I ever post (when I post which has not been happening).
Anyways… yeah for Mondays and braving the outdoors.
I HAVE to thank you for yesterday’s link to Run Pretty. Because… YES. She nailed it.
I’m happy that you decided to start the linkup! I think it’ll be awesome….and speaking of awesome, those gingerbread bars. I can take or leave gingerbread, but throwing some chocolate in there always sweetens the deal.
And yess on the mall thing – I went Saturday night and was near it on Sunday, and it was a madhouse. Not nearly as bad as Costco though…that was just scary.
Happy Monday love!
I may have mentioned that I’m absolutely terrified of Costco? 😆 I know there are some great deals to be had, but it costs me way too much sanity. My dad loves shopping there, though, so I just ask him to grab me something if I really need it. Happy Monday <3
Those bars look amazing! Can’t wait for the recipe!
How cool about the thinking out loud post idea. I’m glad you decided to go along with it! I drove 12 hours this weekend but it honestly wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Not too much else going on here today!
Awesome, I had cabin fever too this weekend. Me and Jay spend most of it catching up on series, studying and… who might have guessed: eating. So fun to do this for two days. But today I’ve been more than happy to leave the flat and go to work (strange stuff). And it isn’t even freezing cold outside, just rainy and blah. Weather report said we’ll get some sun tomorrow. I would love the opportunity to go for a run.
I think the Thinking Out Loud is a great idea! I’m still new to this whole blogging thing, but I may take you up on this offer 🙂 I’m living in El Paso, but from Northwest Indiana. The winters are definitely a nice treat out here as there are no extremely cold temperatures, ice, or snow- I definitely don’t miss driving in it!
Looking forward to reading your post, Kim! And a little less snow (and cold) would definitely be much appreciated. I like having it around for Christmas, but it’s free to leave at any other time 😆
I feel ya on the cold and being a shut in! When is summer again? 😉 And I was planning on doing a confessions post this week – looks like Thursday will be the day!
Woo 😀 Looking forward to reading it, lady!
I’ve been a bottomless pit this weekend too! I’m not sure if it’s because of the cold, because I ran a lot, or because I was avoiding studying, or a combination of all three, but I’m ready to get back into a somewhat normal routine in terms of eating. (I say somewhat because it is finals week and there are still study breaks with food on food on food but it’s as “normal” as things are going to get right now!)
I think your weather sounds pretty nice – we are at 6 degrees F and if we are lucky will make it to 20 today – not my favorite!!
With the weather you’ve had, I wouldn’t wanna go anywhere either! I also spent a rainy weekend at home eating everything in sight. Love your little snack pile!
Not gonna lie — rain sounds pretty darn good right about now. Hope you’re feeling better, girl!
Sounds like it was still productive despite staying inside! 😉 I feel you on the cold though and not want to leave the house! Haha
It’s been cold here too! We got some snow last night and more is expected to come tomorrow. Those cold snowy days make me feel like getting cozy on the couch with my blanket and tea and reading a book!
I already have another post ready for this Thursday, but I’ll definitely be joining in on the Thinking Out Loud Festivities next week. Can’t wait!!!
I give you major props for even making it out of your bed w/ those temps. I think I would’ve curled up under covers all weekend except for when I needed food. I suppose I should happy since you have an awsome recipe coming our way. YAY!!
Swoooon those bars look heavenly. Well everything you photogragh tends to look that way 😉
I’m surprised you could venture out at all with such temps. So glad it’s um, looking better?!? I’m hoping I can join up on this Thursday. I’m so new to this I have nooo idea what I’m doing half the time LOL! And right now I somehow changed my font unintetionally! Aaah well…
I’m the same way when I stay inside without a whole lot to do…I’m sooo snacky! It’s terrible really, especially when there’s a ton of Christmas goodies sitting around taunting me. 🙂
Love the idea of the link up! Totally participating! 🙂
Woo! Can’t wait to read your post, girl! 😀
love justin’s peanut butter! happy monday.
Ugh! You always have the best sweets… I need to raid your kitchen. I’ve been pretty cooped up too, classes are canceled again today, so I’m working from home. After I clean, blog, and bake some muffins, that is!
I have a perfect post ready to go for a Thinking Out Loud link-up this week!
Oh girl, don’t talk to me about best sweets! I saw those orange cranberry muffins you just posted on IG 😛 Want! And I can’t wait to read your post!
those look delicious! i was also cooped inside for most of the weekend, but did make it outside for a couple of snowy runs!
Those weekends where you literally feel trapped inside are the worst. There are ones where I don’t feel like leaving my house for Days on end, but being stuck is a whole different ball game. And it totally leads to a heartier appetite, I feel you on that one. At least the snacks you were eating look delicious! Those bars are pretty tasty I bet 🙂
Looks like the blogging work paid off 🙂 And please send me some of those bars!!!
Trade you for cookies. Dibs on the moustache one 😛
I totally know what you mean about cabin fever! The cold weather in NY is probably tropical in comparison to the weather in your parts, but going out is still unappealing. This morning I actually had a two hour delay from school! Thank God since I had insomnia last night again. :/
I’m lookin’ forward to those chocolate gingerbread bars!!
I’m also super excited for the thinking out loud link up. Those are my favorite posts of yours, and I really enjoy writing my own as well. 🙂
Awwr yay! Looking forward to reading your post, Alison!
chocolate and gingerbread my two favorite things. LOVE!
I’ve been in all weekend too and I do mean in. The ice storm moved in Thursday night and we’re still iced in today. I haven’t stepped foot outside since Thursday evening. I’m thinking I may be able to venture out later today….. hopefully. I love that you are staring a Think Out Loud Thursday link-up. Can’t wait to participate!
I was so sad to hear about your race getting cancelled! But I’m glad to hear that you guys are managing okay over there <3 Can't wait to read your post 😀
Ohhh I like the idea of a Thinking Out Loud link up, seeing as I always enjoy reading yours. And I also went Christmas shopping at the mall over the weekend–horrible idea!! So many people! Ahhhhh. Online shopping FTW.
The malls are insanity around this time of the year. I was never huge on online shopping, but I’m starting to think maybe now would be a good time to finally get into it.
Oh I bet you’re excited to get out of the house finally! I would probably have gone crazy and dead anyway with these temps. And your desk looks a lot like mine – whether in the office or at home 🙂 And I am the worst all-time-snacker when I sit at my laptop!
um love the thinking out loud, pretty much my blogging ways anyways. I wish I had a work from home station, even one day a week would be so nice.
I remember when Atlanta was snow-logged a couple years ago and the whole city shut down for a whole 5 days! My sis lived in NYC then and she couldnt help but laugh at me not taking my car out of my driveway till the thaw began – but I have to confess, I am always on the go, so staying still and home bound for 5 days was a welcome blessing for me! But I don’t think I would be crazy bout being home bound if it was the norm though…glad you get to get out in your “balmy 23 degree” weather today! 🙂
Your Think out Loud link up on Thursday is perfectly timed for me – I got notice that Iam gonna be the SITS featured blogger that day and what an awesome idea a think out loud post would be for that day! Hopefully I wont scare too many people away!
That is SO awesome about the SITS feature, Shashi! I can’t wait to read your post 😀
Yum, the chocolate gingerbread bars look great and I am eager for the recipe!
I hear ya with the cabin fever thing! Though it wasn’t quite as cold here in Colorado as it was for you in Canada, we have been in the single digits with highs of temperatures like 14F…on Thursday it was -6F when I was driving to school. The world should never be that cold. Ever! Have an awesome (hopefully warmer) week!